AT RANDOM: Chris Cash Looks At Last Night’s Edition Of Raw

– Flair doesn’t want to talk, he wants to fight.  So, rather than simply trying to beat the hell out of Orton as soon as he steps foot in the ring, he let’s him speak some more before SLAPPING HIM?  He slaps him??? That makes no sense in the real world and in the real world, Flair deserved to get humiliated by Orton again.  I know they are trying to protect their Champion and use Flair to get him over, but why couldn’t Flair at least get some offense in first? 

– Great to see Kennedy looking healthy and um…not doped up on pain pills.  The crowd just seemed flat for his return though.  That’s not great, but should be expected by now because the general audience may not see him as a huge star anymore given how much time he’s had to take off due to injuries.  I wish him luck though because I’m a huge fan of Kennedy.  He’s a natural on the mic and could do great things if given the opportunity.  He just needs to stay healthy.

– Short mixed tag match and that’s what it needed to be.  Santino is simply comic relief, but that’s what he should be right now until they are ready to take him seriously.  He’s good at it, too.  His choice of match at “Extreme Rules” definitely fell flat with the live crowd, but what did you expect?  I just wonder what that type of comedy will be like inserted into what’s supposed to be the most extreme of pay per views.  I think it would be best to put that on free television and not waste time on a pay per view, but we’ll see.

– Goldust getting two appearances on Raw? 

– I like the program they have going with THE Brian Kendrick.  It’s a far cry from what I want to see for the WWE Tag Team Division, but it is the most they’ve focused on it in quite some time, so I’m happy with that.  I’m curious to find out who “THE partner” will end up being at the end of the day.  Then, I hope they don’t give up after that.  Kendrick may not have been what they wanted as a single’s competitor, but he’s still a great talent and could help add to the tag division. 

– Why does the card for “Extreme Rules” look familiar?  Anyone?  Class?  Anyone?

– Wow!  That jersey makes Big Show’s body look competely deformed for some reason. 

– Okay, I was going to give the announcer the benefit of the doubt.  I figured he was being so bad for the away/heel team and when the faces came out, he would be more enthusiastic and what we’re actually used to in NBA announcing.  I guess he tried to do that somewhat, but it was dreadful.  He should be fired immediately from the WWE for being so bad.  And then, even though he doesn’t work there, the NBA should fire him again for good measure. 

– The NBA theme is a little silly, but we do have to remember who’s company this is at all times. 

– Kennedy doesn’t look like he’s lost a step at all.  That roudhouse kick looked amazing. 

– Good main event and although he was on the defensive for most of the match, Kennedy looked great and I’m happy to see him back. 

For “Chris Cash’s Actual Serious Final Thought”, click to the next page below.


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