TNA “Sacrifice” PPV Results – May 24, 2009

TNA Sacrifice ResultsTNA Sacrifice PPV Results — PAGE THREE

May 24, 2009

Report By: Matt Boone for

-A video package airs for Jeff Jarrett.

Backstage: Jeff Jarrett

We shoot backstage to Jeremy Borash for an exclusive news update. He says this Thursday on iMPACT!, three big names will appear that you didn’t expect. He says two former World champions and their newest addition to the Knockouts. He says to find out who, text: "TNA" to 81676. He guarantees it’ll be a shocker.

With that said, Borash approaches Jeff Jarrett, who is sitting down. He asks him about putting up his voting power as an owner of TNA being on the line. Jarrett says as they say, there is no tomorrow. It all comes down to tonight’s main event. He says as long as Mick Foley is champion his company continues to take steps backwards. He says tonight his one goal is to make sure the belt is taken away from Mick Foley.

-A video package airs for tonight’s Daniels vs. Suicide match.


-Suicide (c) vs. Daniels

Daniels is out first. The lights go off as Suicide’s music plays. They come back on just a second or two later and Suicide is already in the ring doing his suicidal pose. West and Tenay argue a lot during commentary for this match. West keeps repeating how you have to give Daniels credit, as he once as Suicide, but now he isn’t and he set this whole thing up to get the X-title back. Back and forth match with a ton of high spots. Daniels botches a reverse-piledriver spot. He does a dive onto the floor to erase that memory. The two fight up the ramp. Sabin comes out and distracts the ref while Shelley attacks Suicide in the ring. Daniels and the ref come back in the ring and Daniels rolls Suicide up for an easy 3-count. After the match, Daniels sees what happened on the big screen, gets on the mic and says he wants five more minutes and he doesn’t want to win the title like that, he didn’t know MCMG was going to interfere. The ref asks Suicide if he wants five more minutes and Suicide nods yes. The bell sounds and the match restarts. West rants about how Daniels is trying even harder to make it look like he’s innocent with this five-more minutes thing, as it’s a given he’ll still win the title. Tenay doesn’t buy it. Daniels locks in a weird submission hold that he keeps on for a while but eventually lets go when Suicide turns it into a pin attempt on Daniels. Tenay claims there’s a minute remaining in the five-minute overtime period as a countdown clock appears on the screen. Suicide catches Daniels while he tries a B.M.E. but only gets two out of a pin attempt. Suicide with a pin attempt, 1..2…and time expires before the ref can count three (or before Daniels could kick out).

Winner and STILL X-Champion: Suicide

Backstage: Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle is shown backstage working out with weights.

-A video package airs for the Awesome Kong vs. Angelina Love TNA Knockouts title match.

TNA Knockouts Title:

-Angelina Love (c) vs. Awesome Kong

Awesome Kong with Raisha Saeed makes her way out to the ring first for this TNA Women’s Knockout championship match. The champion, Angelina Love makes her way to the ring. Love looks scared. The bell sounds and Kong goes ape-shit on Love early. Don West compares this to Muhammad Ali vs. George Foreman, saying Love will ultimately conquer Kong. Kong continues to toss Love around like a rag-doll outside the ring. Love with a spinning backfist into Kong’s face. She shoves Kong into the ring post three times and kicks her in the body. She rolls back in the ring as the ref continues his count. Kong gets in the ring to break the count but eats a jump-kick from Love. Love goes psycho-girl on Kong in the corner. Kong recovers and Love tries to run away but Raisha Saeed stops her half way up the ramp. Kong chases up the ramp and clotheslines Love down. Kong with a big leg-drop. She refuses to pin Love. She climbs to the middle rope and misses. Love grabs something and sprays it in Kong’s eyes. The ref didn’t see it. She rolls Kong up and the ref turns around and counts three.

Winner and STILL Knockouts champion: Angelina Love

After The Match:

Kong attacks Love. Implant-buster and Kong and the refs try to break it up but Kong with another implant-buster.

NOTE: Click below to advance to page four of our live TNA Sacrifice results.