Jimmy Rave Radio With Rinauro & Dutt, Sir Mo Charged

Former TNA & Current ROH Star Jimmy Rave has a new internet radio show called SHOT IN THE DARK.  The first episode featured FIP & ROH Star, Sal Rinauro as co-host, and former TNA star Sonjay Dutt as the 1st guest.

Check out the hour long show here:


Former WWE, MEN ON A MISSION team member Sir Mo (Bobby Horne) recently received a crimnal citation in North Carolina.  A story was published on it in the Macon County News (Franklin, NC) thast can be read in it’s entirety at the link below:


The article notes:

"Bobby Horne, founder and director of the M.A.I.N. Foundation, was given a criminal citation last month after state Alcohol Law Enforcement agent Jason Locklear attended a fund-raising event featuring wrestling and mixed martial arts sparring.

According to Horne, the law was broken by charging admission without having a license for the event. The wrestling event can be attended with an entry fee, but the sparring by club members must be a free event, he said.

“What I did wrong is I allowed the kids’ fighting to be part of the wrestling show,” said Horne."


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