More Specific Details On Matt Hardy’s Injury From House Show

Robbert De Brujin sent along the following to

Just thought I’d give more details on the Matt Hardy injury post from yesterday, as I was at the show in Cologne, Germany where the match took place.

The match was pretty good, they also used ladders, chairs and a table but when Jeff Hardy hit a swanton on Matt (who had a chair on top off him) it somehow hit Matt’s eye and he started to bleed profusely and the referee immediately did an X-sign. Another referee came and he brought some white towels to wipe Matt’s face off. They did a cover and the match was over. After the match, Jeff did hit a twist of fate and Matt went right away to the locker room.

When both Hardy’s were in the back, both ref’s started to clean the ring with other towels, meaning that the ring-mat was pretty bloody. Matt lost a fair amount of blood. After the show he was stitched up but it’s unclear if he’d preform on the house show in France (Strassbourg) the next day.

I’ll be sending in photos of Matt’s bloodied face from the match later today. Feel free to share them with your readers.


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