HBK’s Possible Post-WM26 Retirement, No Way Out Buyrate

F4WOnline.com is reporting that Shawn Michaels is seriously considering either retiring or reducing his schedule from full-time to occasional appearances following Wrestlemania 26. HBK has said recently that he wants to spend more time with his wife and children, and although he might not be fully retiring, he will be reducing his schedule with WWE pretty significantly after next year’s PPV.

The buyrate information is in for WWE’s No Way Out PPV which took place back in February, and they show the event drawing 164,000 domestic buys and 274,000 worldwide, which is a 25% and 32% drop in buys domestically and worldwide, respectively, from last year. The 2008 No Way Out PPV drew 365,000 worldwide buys and 241,000 domestic buys.


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