Mr. Kennedy On Austin vs. Hogan, WWE/Drugs & More

The following are excerpts from a recent Mr. Kennedy interview from The Sun out of the UK:

On who else tried out for the part in Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia:

"Spanky (Brian Kendrick) was in there, Cody Rhodes, I think Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy a bunch of guys read for the part."

On Chris Jericho:

"I think he’s one of the greatest guys in the business right now.  I told him when he came back, when guys are heel, they basically put on a mean face and come out and tell the crowd "boo for me", whereas Jericho, he just gives off this aura of cockiness about him, where you really feel he thinks his s*** doesn’t stink.  It’s like a really good movie with a bad guy where you want to jump through the screen and throttle him and strangle him."

On whether he would want to see Steve Austin vs. Hulk Hogan:

"(Laughs) Yeah, everyone would want to see it.  Personally, I always wanted to see Austin-Goldberg, just because it was WCW’s version of Austin."

On his promos on TV:

"Well, apparently I have this thing where I’m too funny.  To me, it’s just me, but Vince (McMahon) hates it when I do stuff, he says ‘Goddamn it, stop being so funny’ and I say ‘I’m not, I don’t mean to be funny.’  It’s just me, it’s just the way that I am, so it’s a real tug-of-war where I’m trying to be me, but he doesn’t think it’s me."

On the finishes to Wrestlemania not being set in stone:

"It’s always like that, it could change right down to the last couple of minutes.  I’ve been standing at the Gorilla Position and had the finish to a match switched on me."

On the controversy following his last interview:

"I just felt so passionately about… we’re trying to get past all those negative stereotypes, and I just felt so passionately about it, maybe I didn’t go about saying things the right way, but, whatever.  I speak my mind sometimes and like I said unfortunately, sometimes people spin what you say.  I don’t have time to sit down here, we don’t have two hours, for me to go through my whole life history tell you every little incident that ever happened and why I chose to do what I did at this particular moment in my life and that particular moment in my life. And when you leave or omit certain things because you have a minute and a half to tell a story that needs three or four hours… and also to be perfectly honest with you, it’s nobodies business what my medical history is and it’s not.  I’m a celebrity, I put myself out there, but, you know.

On being named in the Sports Illustrated story on wrestlers buying items from an online pharmacy:

"Honestly, I thought it was bulls*** in the first place.  The whole suspension and everything.  Again, I’m just going to say this again.  You go through your life, and at the point I was trying to get into WWE, you do everything you can and I made some decisions that, whatever.  I’m not unhappy about it, I’m not happy about it, I just made those decisions and I’ve got to live with them.  But, what happens is when you stop taking that stuff, your natural levels of testosterone … you feel like s***.  You can’t get out of bed in the morning, when your natural levels of testosterone just stops.  I believe it was a legitimate medical issue I had.  But then somebody will say, "The WWE Policy says you’re not supposed to go online….", I never went online once, ever.  It was an actual guy, who said he was a doctor, that I got my stuff from."

On WWE’s drug testing:

"The testing is ridiculous, I swear it is more rigorous than the NFL.  I hear stories that when they get tested, they get told in advance.  They get called up a month or two months ahead of time and are told ‘You’ll have a test on such-and-such a date’.  So, if they are taking anything, they can stop taking it, get it out of their system, then take the test. I don’t know how many times I’ve been tested this year.  It seems like every time I go to TV, I get tested. There’s a note up on the wall, and I have to go in front of a guy, pull my pants around my ankles, pull my shirt up to my armpits, and stand there and pee into a little cup.  They watch the pee come out of the end of your willy.  When you’re doing it on a weekly basis, it tends to be a little much.  But I do understand the health reasons.  I’m probably going to get myself in trouble here, but we live in a free country, if I’m not hurting anybody, what’s the big deal?  I’m not hurting you.  If I have health issues down the road, then I have health issues."

On people using illegal substances in WWE’s current environment with the frequent testing:

"I don’t see how anybody can get away with it."

On Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania:

"This should be the last match of the night."

Check out the full interview at:


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