Former TNA & AAA Star, Alex Koslov On CMLL

From his myspace site, a new blog

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Why I left CMLL the way I did

Current mood: excited

I just wanted to make a few things clear. There is a lot of people inside and outside of the business who have been very critical of me of the way I left CMLL. I am adressing those people right now in this blog. I don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way at your job or not, but sometimes you get tired of doing the same thing everyday, even if it’s a job you love. I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter what it is, but you can get tired of it. I’m sure you’ve been there before, to the point where you need to change atmosphere completely. That’s how I began to feel in CMLL. I’ve wrestled some of the best wrestlers in Mexico. And it was an awesome experience. And I’ve learned a lot.. But doing the same thing over and over gets old. When something gets old for me, I need to make a move. I need to get away from it because it’s not fun anymore. Towards the last several months before my departure from CMLL, I was at that point where I needed to go, I needed to make a change. The passion in me was asleep, the soul in me was not stimulated anymore. And that is exactly the reason of the nature in which I left. It was a way for me to wake up my soul and my passion again. It had to be dramatic and it had to be impactful. I meant to make shockwaves! It was quite an adrenaline rush, and it definitely awoke me! There is people who think I left CMLL for AAA for the money. And it just distrurbs me because these people have no idea. I am a person that acts on emotion. It’s never been about the money. It’s always been about being passionate about what you do and enjoying what you do. There is people who critisize me for talking negative about my former company. What I want to make clear is that CMLL have always given me alot of work, and I am appreciative of everything they’ve given me. The fact is, they’ve given me exposure, opportunity, etc.., and in return I’ve given them my body and life in that ring, day in and day out for 2 years, so I think it’s fair to say that nobody is in debt to nobody and that we’re even. When I speak negative, I speak for my companions in CMLL who I feel are not getting the opportunity they trully deserve, guys like Mesterioso Jr, guys like Efesto, guys like Terrible, guys like Texano Jr.

There are a lot of fans who are loyal to CMLL and will spit on the product of AAA. To those fans I want to say, ‘You are a minority!’ Because Triple A is beating the crap out of CMLL in ratings week in and week out. Lucha Libre is a business, and I believe that any kind of business, has to evolve with the times, in order to survive and have continued success. I am not saying CMLL is a bad product. I think it’s a great product with a lot of talent. I just think it’s an old, and outdated product. I hope that all this lit a fire under CMLL. I do feel optimistic that little bit by little bit change will happen, evolution will begin. I hope CMLL becomes competition to Triple A, because not only is it good for Triple A or CMLL, but it’s good for the overall business of Lucha Libre, and who wins at the end? You, the fans!

Happy New Year!


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