Bo Newsom defeated Anthony Henry

Darkness defeated Dustin Michaels and Brad Logan in a 3 way dance

APW Tag Team Champions The Franchise defeated Dany Only and Strictnyn by DQ

Royston Brawler John Carnage declared himself the winner of the match with Don Matthews after Don was not medically cleared to compete. (due to a chokeslam on the ramp from Carnage 2 weeks ago) In Don’s absence, Carnage stated that NOCS was a funeral for the career of Matthews, complete with a casket draped with the confederate flag.

Carnage defeated substitute Chris Damien decisively and followed up with a lariat for good measure

North Georgia Champion Seth Delay defeated Billy Buck

Chris King defeated Aaron Lee in a Last Man Standing Match

Brandon Parker defeated Kareem Abdul Jamar after “Coach” Kevin Duncan turned on Jamar

Jeremy Vain became the new Southern States Champion defeating Shadow Jackson after splashing the all too familiar bleach in Jackson”s eyes allowing Vain to roll him up and get the win.

To see what happened next, you must see this week’s APW Aftershock at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLMnzaZO378

Believe me. You won’t want to miss it!


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