Traci Brooks Reveals That She Suffers From a Disability

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The Chicago Sun-Times has conducted an interview with TNA Knockout Traci Brooks where she reveals that she has been suffering all her life from a condition known as Erb’s Palsy, which effects the nerves in her arms. The following are some excerpts from the interview:

“My mom exercised my arm every day till I was two and I was also in a sling that was attached over my head in my buggy,” Brooks said. “I was one out of six kids with this condition at the time, and the only one to benefit in a positive manner due to mom’s persistence, dedication and the fact that she exercised me every day.”

“I’ve been wrestling for nine years now, and if you are wondering, yes, it does affect me in the ring, both physically and mentally. We are in a very cosmetic business in which the focus is on looks, body and physicality. For someone such as myself, that is portrayed as a superstar, this is difficult. In my mind, I am just a girl with a disability and not perfect like we are perceived.” You can read the entire article at this link.


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