Two Top WWE Stars Heading To FCW Taping

FCW has issued the following press release:

Florida Championship Wrestling Teams Up with Bright House Sports Network

FCW programming returns to the Sunshine State on October 5

TAMPA, Florida, October 2, 2008 â<80>” Officials from Florida Championship Wrestling® (FCW) and Bright House Sports Network® (BHSN) announced today they have reached an agreement to broadcast the weekly â<80><9c>Florida Championship Wrestlingâ<80> program starting Sunday, October 5, at 6PM ET.

Florida Championship Wrestling will be broadcast in over 1.6 million Bright House Network households on Channel 47 in the Tampa/St. Pete/Clearwater and Orlando/Kissimmee/Daytona Beach metropolitan areas.

Florida Championship Wrestling® is the official developmental territory of World Wrestling Entertainment®. FCW, Bright House Sports Network and the WWE are proud to bring Florida Championship Wrestlingâ<80><99>s weekly programming back to the Sunshine State airwaves.

The next FCW TV taping will take place THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, starting at 7:30 PM. WWE Superstars Kelly Kelly, Batista and many others are scheduled to appear.


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