Trailer For Hogan’s New Show, SD! Draws More Viewers Than Raw


A trailer for Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling, which will debut next month on CMT, can now be viewed online at To view the video, visit Hulk’s site and you will see three videos embedded on the left part the site. The third from the top is the new trailer, which features a lot of footage from the upcoming show. Aside from Hogan, other wrestling names shown include Eric Bischoff and Jimmy Hart (who will serve as judges, along with Hogan) as well as Bill Goldberg, Rob Van Dam, Brian Knobbs and Brutus Beefcake. The show looks interesting, with Dennis Rodman, Danny Bonaduce, Todd Bridges and Dustin Diamond among the “celebrities” competing for a championship belt.

The September 19th edition of WWE Smackdown drew a 2.6 fast national rating. The final rating will be released this week. If the rating remains at 2.6, it will be the second week in a row that SmackDown drew more viewers than WWE Raw on the USA Network.


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