Update on Undertaker’s Knee: Possibly Re-Aggravated Last Night

Prowrestling.net is reporting that The Undertaker has apparently re-aggravated his knee injury even further following last night’s Smackdown tapings from Columbus, Ohio. According to a fan in attendance, ‘Taker was favoring his knee after a main event dark match against Big Show. The fan reports “honestly, he looked pretty bad off. He was sitting there like he was so exhausted he couldn’t make it up the ramp. He finally walked up the ramp, but he was limping pretty badly. It wasn’t a little limp, it was very noticeable.”

We reported earlier that The Undertaker had been dealing with pain in his knee since his return to the ring at Summerslam, which is why WWE has been booking him in tag matches where his partner can hand;e most of the in-ring work. While this new aggravation doesn’t appear to be serious, he may have to continue his non-wrestling role on TV until the soreness is gone.


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