TNA iMPACT! Results: 9-18-08

TNA Impact on Spike TV

Taped in Orlando, Fla.

Results Courtesy of

A video recapped the TNA No Surrender pay-per-view… The opening montage aired… Mike Tenay and Don West introduced the show while Samoa Joe walked to the ring for a promo. Tenay hyped Joe vs. Sting as the main event for the Bound For Glory pay-per-view.

In the ring, Joe was sporting a black eye. Joe questioned Sting’s dedication to TNA. Joe said he won’t be looking for Sting’s respect at Bound For Glory. He said he’ll be looking to shove his size 13 boot up Sting’s ass.

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett arrived and was confronted by Jeremy Borash, who asked if he had any comment after being away from TNA for two years. “Yeah, I do have something to say and, Sting, I hope you’re listening”…

At ringside, the announces discussed some of the storylines coming out of the pay-per-view. Kurt Angle walked out and interrupted them. He said that he and Jarrett would cross paths, but he said he was going to kick A.J. Styles’s ass if he didn’t turn over his gold medal. Security came out and escorted Angle to the back…

1. Christian Cage and Rhino defeated Motor City Machine Guns in 4:50. Good action. Styles hit the Styles Clash on Chris Sabin and scored the pin. Afterward, Styles shook hands with the Guns. Cage offered his hand to Sabin, who reluctantly shook it. Alex Shelley stepped in and flipped off Cage. Sabin flipped off Cage too. Tenay said it was another sign of the lack of respect the young wrestlers have…

Backstage, Borash interviewed Booker T and Sharmell. Booker griped that Jay Lethal’s gimmick is disrespectful to Randy Savage. Sharmell got a line or two about how Booker knows all…

A video hyped “The Steel Asylum,” which appears to be the Terror Dome with a new name…

Backstage, Lauren interviewed Sheik Abdul Bashir, who talked about the stock market dropping and asked what the presidential candidates can do for him. He said he was once a peaceful man who accomplished everything in life. He said he lost everything and referred to the X Division title belt as his hostage…

2. Shark Boy and Curry Man and Super Eric defeated Petey Williams and Johnny Devine and Jimmy Rave (w/Christy Hemme, Lance Rock, Rhaka Khan) at 3:25. Devine wore a singlet for the first time. After a few minutes of forgettable action, Super Eric used a cross body block to put away Petey.

Afterward, the heels beat up Petey. Rock came in and shoved the ref, who got angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry. He ripped off his shirt and helped Petey clear the ring. Earl Hebner ran out. The referee apologized to Hebner…

Backstage, Borash told Sting that Jarrett wants him to listen to whatever he has to say later in the show. “If that’s what that wants, that’s what Jeff gets,” Sting said…

Tenay introduced a press conference he hosted (in front of the TNA television camera) that touted the fact that Matt Morgan’s DNA is being sent to space. No, really. They even had Jim Cornette, Don West, and some guys from Operation Immortality standing by and acting like this was a big deal…

Speaking of bizarre angles, Matt Morgan apologized for assuming Abyss hit him with a chair at the pay-per-view. Abyss responded by giggling and pulling out some of his own hair. Morgan tried to talk to him about teaming together in the future. “I don’t know, Matt, I’d have to speak to my therapist first.” Morgan asked Abyss to team with him in a tag team tournament they’re holding at the pay-per-view. They shook hands. Team 3D arrived on the set, but security jumped in.

A shot aired of Jackie Moore walking backstage…

After the break, Jackie was bickering with Hector Guerrero, who was sitting in on commentary. Jackie slapped him. Robert Roode and James Storm ran out and attacked Hector. They threw him inside the ring and continued to beat him up until LAX ran out for the save. Traci Brooks walked onto the stage and said she wanted Hector and Jackie in Jim Cornette’s office immediately…

A TNA Rough Cuts segment aired on Roxxi. All the Knockouts put over her toughness. ODB said Roxxi is the hardcore Knockout…

Backstage, Traci recommended to Jim Cornette that Beer Money and Jackie face LAX and Hectory in a six-person tag. The loser loses their manager…

A video recapped Sting bitching about the lack of respect the young guys have in TNA…

Sting walked to the ring for a promo and slapped hands with the fans on his way out. Sting said Joe is pissed off at him because he goes to his son football games (something Joe mentioned earlier). Sting added that he was wrestling in small gyms when Joe was still a kid. “I’ve done this for 20 years now, Joe, and I haven’t forgotten where I came from either, Joe,” Sting said.

Sting said he learned about respect from the greats in the business. He wondered what Joe would do in 15 years when “disrespect gets up in your face.” He said he learned from Magnum T.A., Nikita Koloff, Dusty Rhodes, Tully Blanchard, and Ric Flair. Sting hyped his match and said it will be show time in ’08…

A Suicide vignette aired. The guy doing the voice sounds like he’s 60 years old… The announcers hyped upcoming segments for the show… A Knockouts video aired… Backstage, Borash interviewed Christian and Styles. A.J. said they were on the same side. Christian asked which side that was…

Backstage, Lauren interviewed Jay Lethal, who said he wants to kill Sonjay Dutt and SoCal Val “and I will if I see them.” Lethal took off his glasses and said he takes great pride in honoring Randy Savage when he gets in the ring. He said he’s going to disrespect Booker’s ass all over the arena…

3. Booker T (w/Sharmell) pinned Jay Lethal in 6:00 Competitive match. Lethal scored a nearfall late, but Sharmell tripped Lethal as he was running the ropes and then Booker hit the ax kick and pinned him…

Backstage, Lauren interviewed Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and Cute Kip. Love had a zit, but they all denied it. Velvet grabbed Kip and said they were up next. Love told them to go ahead because she had to see her dermatologist…

4. Taylor Wilde and Rhino beat Velvet Sky and Cute Kip in 4:10. Fun spot in the middle of the match with Velvet spraying Rhino in the eyes with perfume and then tagging in and choking him while he was down.

In the end, Taylor pinned Sky clean. Afterward, Love came out and helped her partners attack the babyfaces. Super Taylor clotheslined Love and Sky. Awesome Kong came out. Super Taylor climbed to the top rope and dove onto her at ringside. Taylor threw punches at Kong as the show went to break..

After the break, the Beautiful People were putting paper bags over the heads of Taylor and Rhino while Kong and Raisha Saeed stood in the background. Highlights aired from during the break of Kong getting the better of the brawl…

A Jeff Jarrett video recapped him and his father starting TNA, his attack on Hulk Hogan, the passing of his wife, and the guitar stuff that led up to his return…

Jeff Jarrett’s music played and he walked to the ring carrying that stupid guitar. The crowd gave him a strong reaction. Tenay and West talked over it when they should have remained quiet. They finally laid out when Jarrett stood in the ring and the crowd chanted, “Welcome back.” Jarrett looked like he was getting choked up.

“Six years ago, you weren’t watching just Jeff Jarrett the wrestler, you were watching Jeff Jarrett the founder of TNA wrestling,” he said. Jarrett said he had a vision for a wrestling promotion when WCW went out of business. He said he knows better than anybody who hard it is to get a break in the business. He wanted TNA to be a place where guys could get a break that deserve to get a break.

Jarrett thanked God, his late wife Jill, a great financial partner, and the fans for the company being around six years later. “I want to think you (pointing at the camera) and you (pointing to the fans in attendance.” The crowd chanted, “Thank you, Jeff.”

Jeff called out Sting in a respectful manner, saying he’d appreciate it if he’d come out to the ring. Sting obliged and joined Jarrett in the ring. Jeff built up Sting and talked about how proud his father is of giving Sting his first break. He said he’s been listening to Sting. “You are full of crap,” Jarrett said.

Jarrett praised Samoa Joe and A.J. Styles. He said there have been nights when they have carried the company on their backs. Jarrett said he was in WCW with Sting when the company went out of business because the veterans wouldn’t pass the torch to the young guys. “Do you know why? Because they wanted to hold onto their spot. They wanted to hold onto their positions. They wanted to hold onto their stinking, fat paychecks.”

Jarrett said the young guys are n*pping at Sting’s heels night in and night out. Jarrett said he couldn’t believe he had to say Sting’s name in the same breath as Booker T and Kurt Angle. He said all they do is take. “This ain’t WCW,” Jarrett said. “It’s TNA and I’m not going to stand for it.”

Kurt Angle’s music played and he walked to the ring wearing a suit. Jarrett rolled up his sleeves in the ring. Angle said he was shooting. He said he was talking to Sting, yet talking behind his back. Jarrett said he had to step away two years ago because of “personal family health issues.”

Jarrett said he handpicked Angle to take his place. “Kurt, I handpicked you to fill my shoes,” Jarrett said. “And guess what? As the founder of TNA wrestling, it’s the worst decision I’ve ever made in my life. Just look what’s happened in this entire process. You lost your family. You lost your wife. You lost your TNA Title. Kurt, you’ve even lost your precious gold medals. And you know what? The only thing you have left to lose is your stinking dignity.”

Angle responded by asking, “Can I talk now, boss?” Angle said Jarrett left the company two years ago because he was old. He said Sting kicked his ass at Bound For Glory and he left because he didn’t have the heart. Angle said he’s carried TNA for two years since then. “Not once did you thank me for saving your company,” Angle said. He called Jarrett and the fans assholes.

Angle demanded respect. “You wanna trade words?” Angle asked. “Why don’t we trade punches at Bound For Glory?” Angle asked. Jarrett said he came out as the founder of TNA wrestling, not as a wrestler. “I have nothing left to prove,” Jarrett said. Angle told him to get the hell out of his ring and not come back if he’s no longer a wrestler.

Jarrett told Angle not to push him. “I’m warning you, don’t push me because you don’t want to part of this pain that I’ve been carrying for the last two years,” Jarrett said. “But…” Jarrett pointed at the video screen.

The smiley face wrapped in barbed wire graphic appeared and then cut to Mick Foley. “Hi, Kurt,” Foley said. “Hello everybody here in the Impact Zone. Kurt, I think what Jeff is trying to say is it’s real, it’s damn real. Bang bang.” The smiley face appeared again to close the show…


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