Brother Ray Goes Off On Wrestler Involved In Jake Roberts’ Incident

Brother Ray called into the BS Show yesterday that airs on Real Radio 104.1 in Orlando, Florida while independent wrestler J-Roc was on the show discussing the Jake Roberts’ incident that took place over the weekend.

A quick aside to get you caught up, J-Roc was the wrestler that came to the ring after Jake Roberts’ had the horrible match with JT Lightning due to being extremely intoxicated (or drugged as Roberts claims). After the awkward match where JT basically had to “shoot” pin Jake and then cut a “F*ck You Jake” promo, J-Roc came to the ring to try and get Roberts to DDT him. I believe he was looking to salvage the situation, but Jake refused to sell or do anything and simply rested on the corner until J-Roc finally exited the ring.

Apparently, Brother Ray thought that J-Roc and other wrestlers came out to legitimately shoot on Jake and hurt him. If you watch the video of the incident, you clearly see J-Roc working Jake and not trying to actually hurt him.

Brother Ray calls into the show and goes off on J-Roc for disrespecting a veteran. He said the guy working the match had every right to be upset, but you don’t come out afterward and try and take advantage of Jake Roberts when he’s down. He clearly has his story messed up as this didn’t even happen.

When the host of the show asked for J-Roc’s response, he tried to explain that he wasn’t trying to take advantage of Jake. He was simply trying to make a bad situation better by doing what he was asked to do. It was obviously written into the script for him to go out and take a DDT from Jake. Unfortunately, his audio wasn’t loud enough and Brother Ray couldn’t hear him explain himself.

This leads to Brother Ray saying that if other veterans were there (I’m assuming him being one of them), they would march to the ring and “kill everyone and their mother”. Although Ray does say it was wrong for Jake to get messed up the way he did, the promotion owes him an apology for what they tried to do after the match.

Interesting moment of radio though and for those wanting to listen, you can do so by clicking HERE.


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