MyNetwork TV Announces NYC Block Party For SD!

MyNetworkTV in New York City (WWOR – Channel 9) issued the following release today:

My9’s SmackDown Block Party – 1211 Avenue of Americas between 47th and 48th, New York City, NY from 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Donâ<80><99>t miss out on your chance to celebrate the launch of Friday Night SmackDown on My9 on Friday, October 3rd with your favorite SmackDown Superstars Jeff Hardy, Zach Ryder & Curt Hawkins*, act out your favorite SmackDown entrance and take home a DVD of the experience, get exclusive SmackDown airbrushed tattoos, compete in SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 video games & more!!!

SmackDown has a new home, new attitude. SmackDown premiers on Friday October 3rd only on My Network TV. Check your local listings or log on to to find your local station.

* Limited space available, pick-up a wristband at the start of the event for a guaranteed Superstar photo or autograph.


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