Jim Ross Speaks on Steve Austin Return, Flair and “Jim Haas”

Jim Ross has updated the blog section of his website at JrsBarbq.com. Below are some highlights:

A Stone Cold Return: My blurb on Steve Austin certainly got people talking about Steve returning to ring for â<80><9c>one more match.â<80> To the best of my knowledge, Steve has no intention of returning to the ring, but is working out like a warrior to prepare for his upcoming movie role. Austin does seem like a leading candidate to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009 in Houston.

Ric Flair Update: I received 2 great voice mails from Ric Flair Tuesday while I was in route from OKC-Nashville. Ric sounded great, upbeat and busy. His recent controversy seems to have two distinctly different stories. Ric is in the process of recording a DVD interview that he seems excited about. This one should contain some interesting â<80><9c>road storiesâ<80> and career highlights and lowlights. It was great hearing from Ric who is following his friend Steve Spurrierâ<80><99>s South Carolina Game****s and also keeps up with another friend Bob Stoopsâ<80><99> Oklahoma Sooners.

Santino: Nice to see Santino Marella, an entertaining antagonist, get to sit at the â<80><9c>grown upâ<80> table in a key interview segment.

Charlie Haas: Charlie Haas impersonation of yours truly got Charlie noticed again, which was the point. No worries here as that road has been traveled before. Upside here was that our Bar-B-Q biz got a Mamajuana-like TV mention. Perhaps I need to go on Lawlerâ<80><99>s no carb diet after seeing Charlieâ<80><99>s â<80><9c>drum.


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