RVD Talks Politics, JBL Claims He Has Lost 63 Pounds

Over at Robvandam.com, there is a new episode of RVD TV posted in where the former WWE Champion speaks with John Heidenreich and Chris Masters about government.

JBL has posted a new blog on his WWE Fan Nation site where he discusses various topics including Joey Styles’ hair. He also claims that he has lost 63 pounds since his retirement, although I find that a bit hard to believe. He says, â<80><9c>Speaking of, I have lost 63 pounds so far. I have had a broken back, several knee surgeries, a double hernia operation in the past, a current herniated disc, a past torn bicep, and a current torn rotator cuff and labium in my shoulder, however, I have developed a product that allows me to get up in the morning and feel like training. No kidding, I have got the thing that will help a ton of Americans, I am proof. You will see this product in a few weeks.â<80> To read the entire blog, click here.


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