Fairplay Backs McCain or Obama?, TNA’s TV Line-Up, AWA Classics

Johnny Fairplay has apparently announced he is endorsing Presidential Candidate Barack Obama in a ridiculous “Survivor” themed segment that you can view here.

TNA will be taping the next two weeks of television tonight and tomorrow night in Orlando, Fla. The tapings tonight will be interesting since the company is teasing that Sting will explain his recent actions. The company is also advertising Taylor Wilde and Roxxi vs. Angelina Love and Velvet Sky, Awesome Kong in action, Petey Williams and Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Jay Lethal and Consequences Creed, Curry Man vs. Jimmy Rave, Kurt Angle vs. Kevin Nash in a Four Ways to Glory qualifying match.

The following matches are listed for tonight’s AWA on ESPN Classic show: WT Jones vs. Jonnie Stewart, Jamie Magnum vs. Curtis Hughes, Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Bennett, Destruction Crew vs. The Trooper and D.J. Peterson.


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