“Scramble” Rules Changed, SD! Edited Last Night

WWE has made a slight change to the Championship Scramble matches taking place at Unforgiven. Instead of the champion beginning the match with a random opponent, wrestlers number one and two will now be chosen at random. Every 5 minutes another wrestler will enter, and whoever scores the last pin fall or submission when the 20 minute time limit is over will be the champion.

WWE changed the opening segment during last nights edition of SmackDown. They showed Vickie Guerrero cutting a promo on the TitanTron, which actually wasn’t shown before the live crowd. At the taping, they showed Vickie on the screen, but the audience couldn’t hear the audio. This was likely done to get some arena shots whiled she talked. Fans in attendance at the taping saw Vickie wheeled out onto the stage by Chavo Guerrero to give a speech. There was a chorus of boos and “WHAT?” chants during her announcement. The speech was said to be a bit long, so perhaps it was cut due to time constraints.


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