Sandman Arrest Update, Nick Hogan Turns 18, Mick Foley, More

The Sandman is still incarcerated right now and the judge is holding off on setting bail until he checks out Sandman’s previous criminal record. Also, we received word that Lou Albano’s (it was his 75th birthday party) niece is putting some of the blame on the restaurant for not cutting off those that were drinking hard liquor, which she had asked them to do earlier in the night. There is also talk that the bar owner who hit Fullington in the face with a bottle is partially to blame for antagonizing him.

Nick Hogan turned 18 this week so he is now with the general population of the jail like he had asked shortly after entering.

Mick Foley is also scheduled to appear at the Comic Con this weekend. We have already announced Stacy Keibler’s appearance on Friday.

Thanks to for the following: Tyrone Evans, a WWE developmental talent, is expected to be called up to the main roster very soon. He has been using a militant type of gimmick and people claim he is a very good talker.


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