VPW In New York, Upcoming Dates, Recap Of Last Show

VPW would like to thank all of the fans that came down to the Centereach VFW Hall on a hot Summer Friday night.

The night started off on a more serious note with the entire roster surrounding the ring for a 10 bell tribute for the father of Nick Noshus who had passed away only 2 days prior to the event. Noshus chose to wrestle and dedicate the match to his father. The week prior, VPW also lost another longtime fan in the brother of Jack Oâ<80><99>Hearts.

In their usual rude and obnoxious style, Eclipse interrupted the ring announcer as he was welcoming everyone to the event. Xandar Page and Jay Delta wanted to fuel their egos and basically tell the crowd how great they were, especially after winning the tag team titles. Eventually Eclipse started to rip on their opponents for later in the night, Livewired. Having heard enough, JMS and VSK hit the ring and chased Eclipse off.

The first match of the night featured longtime rivals, â<80><9c>Firebirdâ<80> Jorge Santi and Minyon, facing off in their first singles match in VPW. This match could have gone either way, but the aggressive nature of Minyon overcame Jorge Santi. Both men are evenly matched in both their wrestling ability a nd highflying nature. A rematch between these two is bound to happen.

Next saw a brutal match that that saw Dr. Lamar Braxton Porter defeated by Nightmare in what has to be considered a fluke. Porter absolutely dominated the match from start to finish, but Nightmare managed a quick rollup for the win. An enraged Porter then proceeded to annihilate Nightmare for several minutes. Having seen enough, Nightmareâ<80><99>s longtime friend, The Voice, ran out to help his friend. Porter was accompanied to the ring by the lovely Rayna Fyre. Fyre was making her VPW debut, but already seemed to be in conflict with VPWâ<80><99>s female announcer Dani.

Following that massacre, Nick Noshus defeated Richie Tyler in a hard-fought wrestling match. Before the match, the undefeated Noshus bragged about his VPW record.

The next match featured â<80><9c>Masculine Marvelâ<80> Sabotage defeating The Voice. Prior to the match, Sabotage came down to ringside and told everyone how he came to the building expecting to wrestle â<80><9c>Smooth Operatorâ<80> Mike Gallagher, but Gallagher decided to not show up and face him. Sabotage then proceeded to challenge anybody from the back to wrestle him. The challenge was answered by the mysterious Voice.

After that match was a number one contenderâ<80><99>s match for the VPW Championship. This wild match saw four of VPWâ<80><99>s=2 0best going at it for a shot at Jason Staticâ<80><99>s championship. The participants were Xavier, â<80><9c>Ultra Sexyâ<80> Joe So Delicious, Mack Daddy Flexx and the Zombie. The Zombie did not initially come down the ring when announced, but in typical Zombie fashion, he ran out from the crowd several minutes into the match. Xavier appeared to take credit for the Zombieâ<80><99>s delay. After several close falls, Mack Daddy Flexx pinned his longtime rival, Joe So Delicious to become the number one contender. Immediately after the match, VPW Champion Jason Static hit the ring and got in Flexxâ<80><99>s face. Static appeared confident enough that he would defeat Azrieal later in the night and almost seemed to be looking past the match entirely. Getting right in Flexxâ<80><99>s face, Static reminded Flexx that he has defeated Flexx every time theyâ<80><99>ve stepped in the ring together. Static told Flexx that he always comes so close to winning, but in the end he always comes up short.

The first match after intermission was an elimination match to determine the number one contenders to the VPW Tag Team Championship. The participants were Pretty Poison, VTG Enterprises, the Suburban SWAT Team and the Funky Fresh Boyz. Pretty Poison was cornered by Tough Tommy, VTG Enterprises naturally had Vinny the Guido watching their back, the Suburban SWT Team was accompanied by Mikey Old School and the Funky Fresh Boyz had Ms. Terri with them. Scotty20Rio and Johnny â<80><9c>Musclesâ<80> Marinara were the first men eliminated. Next out were the Funky Fresh Boyz, but before they were eliminated they and the Suburban SWAT Team had a dance off in the middle of the ring. Finally, the Suburban SWAT Team eliminated Pretty Poison to earn a shot at longtime rivals, Eclipse. After the match, EJ Risk and Justin Toxic looked to have fired their manager Tough Tommy.

Following the number one contenders match for the tag team titles was the actual tag team championship which featured the champions Eclipse taking on Livewired. Eclipse defeated Livewired in the finals of Mayâ<80><99>s huge tournament. Unfortunately, Livewired came up short once again and lost their opportunity. JMS and VSK seemed to not be 100% on the same page compared to their usual matches.

The final match of the night was a first time ever encounter between two of VPWâ<80><99>s finest for the VPW Championship with Jason Static taking on â<80><9c>The Good Guyâ<80> Azrieal. Before the match, Azrieal called Static out for neglecting him and looking ahead towards Flexx instead of worrying about the match at hand. This match really came down to the wire, but in the end, Jason Static forced Azrieal to submit courtesy of The Long Kiss Goodnight. Mack Daddy Flexx then decided to return the favor from earlier in the night and interrupt Staticâ<80><99>s victory. Flexx got right in Staticâ<80><99>s fac e, but was immediately jumped from behind my Joe So Delicious. The two members of Best Bodies, Inc. then proceeded to pummel Flexx until they finally left the ringside area.

Plenty of backstage footage and interviews were filmed for the DVD release.

VPW will be returning in less than 2 weeks time on July 26th at the Deer Park Community Center for a special fundraiser for the center.

Deer Park Community Center

41 Homer Avenue

Deer Park, NY 11729


Tickets for this special fundraiser are only $10.

Already scheduled:

VPW Championship

Jason Static vs. Mack Daddy Flexx

VPW Tag Team Championship

Eclipse vs. Suburban SWAT Team

Check out www.VictoryProWrestling.com for complete details.

VPW 2008 Schedule

July 26th â<80>” Deer Park Community Center

September 6, 2008 â<80>” Centereach VFW Hall

November 1, 2008 â<80>” Centereach VFW Hall

December 13, 2008 â<80>” Centereach VFW Hall

More dates to be announced!


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