Report: TNA Changing Things Up Behind the Scenes

As originally reported by Mike Johnson, I can now confirm that TNA is looking to change things up as it pertains to Bob Ryder and Bill Behrens’ current positions with the company.

Bill Behrens has been working as an agent for many TNA talents and handles the third-party bookings for the company has a whole. However, Bob Ryder will now add this to his list of “to do’s” as TNA wants to take the position in-house.

Our sources say that Behrens is still working for the company as of now and will be working with Ryder as the transition is being made. However, their goal is to phase him out of the duties over time. As TNA house shows continue to grow, management hopes they will not need as many third-party bookings and eventually, they could become non-existent.

Bob Ryder already wears many caps within the company handling travel, working from the gorilla position during tapings, etc. This simply adds to an already long list and work week.

Bill Behrens would have to move from Georgia to Nashville if he wanted to keep the position and sources say he’s not completely opposed to the idea depending on the circumstances, but he’s definitely reluctant to make the change. If the move goes the way TNA wants it to, Behrens will eventually be assigned something new…or who knows, maybe he won’t. Behrens is not being fired at this point though, so no emails please.


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