COLUMN: Moody On Ultimate Warrior, Getting Punched, DDP & Disco


Several years ago while I was promoting 101 Reasons Not To Be A Pro Wrestler the DVD, I had an encounter with an independent wrestler named Big Babi Slymm. In the footage below you can see that I took a punch from the guy, but now was that punch real or not?

Up until now I told everybody that the punch was real but the truth is, it was faked. I thought it was a cool idea to get people talking about the DVD and it worked. It got people talking. It even got my mom scared when she looked at my website one day and saw this big gangster looking dude punching me in the face. I had to explain to my mom of course that the footage was fake but it was still funny. Big Babi Slymm was a good guy and had fun with the fake beating he gave me but I definitely would never want to get into a legit fight with the guy. He’s huge and he’s probably one of the best wrestlers today in Southern California in my opinion.

After releasing 101 Reasons Not To Be A Pro Wrestler, DDP called me up one day and threatened a lawsuit against me for using him in the production. I had never really been threatened with a lawsuit before so I was kinda uneasy about the situation. Bottom line is, I had a release form with his signature on it so there wasn’t anything he could do. I’ll never forget hearing DDP calling me a monkey over the phone. That was amusing. For as much shit as he talked to me, I have to admit that when I shot footage of DDP back in the day he was a pretty cool, down to Earth guy.

Now moving on… When I was a young kid, I loved the Ultimate Warrior, the guy was by far the most entertaining wrestler in the 80’s and early 90’s but over the past few years, his incoherent ranting, homophobic and racist point of views and just being an overall staunch right wing nut-job has totally killed his legacy. There was this news about their being an Anti-Warrior group surfacing on the net and threatening to ruin his match in Spain (which to be totally honest with you, I hope happens) but why would Warrior link on his website to their Myspace page and their video on Youtube? This was obviously a horrible promotional attempt that backfired in Warrior’s face because it’s obvious that he probably made the video and the Myspace page himself. The Warrior has totally lost his mind.

Several years ago, before Warrior totally feel off the boat, I had a couple of phone conversations with him in regards to making an Ultimate Warrior biographical DVD, similar to what I did with New Jack. I can’t describe in words how Warrior would toot his own horn, rambling with no end in sight for about 30 minutes straight, explaining to me how he needs to get paid tons of money to produce the DVD and how is brand is worth so much money. Warrior is his own biggest fan and when that happens to a wrestler, watch out.

Speaking of wrestlers being their own biggest fan, I saw that Disco Inferno retaliated in his latest column because I called him a jobber. By the way, Disco Inferno is definitely his own biggest fan because they guy has never had a fan in his entire pro wrestling career.. Sure, he might have coerced an unsuspecting 18 year old girl (hopefully not younger than that) into sleeping with him because he was a â<80><9c>TV starâ<80> that jobbed to Glacier or Norman Smiley the week before on Nitro. I’m willing to be civilized with Disco Inferno though and I emailed him just moments ago to send him out a free copy of New Jack: Hardcore since he says he’d like to watch the DVD. Maybe Disco can write a blurb about the DVD in a future column but that’s up to him.

Until next time, check out my Youtube page online at and I suggest checking out the Homegrown Collection trailers. They should put a smile on your face and make you laugh. You can also e-mail me at anytime. Take care and thanks for reading.


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