TNA Impact Review by: Chris “The Authority” Schultz

TNA Impact Review

By: Chris â<80><9c>The Authorityâ<80> Schultz

It’s time to try something new and change it up a little bit. Every week, I try to breakdown the TNA Impact with my personal views of the show. As of late, I have been a little critical of the Impact broadcasts and the TNA Pay Per Views. I still stand by all of my opinions, by I admit, I could at least point out some of the good as well as the bad. Therefore, I will now start to give the â<80><9c>Positivesâ<80> and the â<80><9c>Negativesâ<80> in a newly formatted Impact Review Column. So let’s get right to it.

The Negatives

-TNA continues to go the comedy route with prerecorded segments to generate laughs. As you know, I am referring to AJ Styles and Karen Angle’s honeymoon.

-AJ is still playing the role of an idiot while wearing that stupid crown.

-A 70 year old man, Bullet Bob Armstrong, is part of the opening match up. Thankfully, AJ and Tomko know how to sell the slowest chop in the world.

-TNA continues to emulate instead of innovate. Stone Cold Sharkboy won’t go away and Jay Lethal gets a â<80><9c>Ohhh Yeahhhâ<80> response from So Cal Val in what can only be a rip off of the Savage/Elizabeth angle. TNA needs to focus on being the alternative, not the SAME thing.

-Team 3D needs to refocus on the Tag Team Division and not the X-Division.

-Speaking of X-Division, what in the world is Big Poppa Pump still doing with Petey Williams. It’s time Scott Steiner cashes in the briefcase and gets back to his weight class as well.

-Sign the contract Joe!

-Why did they decide to go with Curry Man again? Was Christopher Daniels not good enough. Give me a break!

The Positive

-Did I mention the Against All Odds PPV was off the hook?

-Booker T. vs. Kurt Angle in the main event had me wishing for more.

-Kip James going on his own is a great move. His interview segment was Kip’s best in a long time. Let’s hope that BG James can leave his dad at home for this feud.

-Lethal vs. Dutt seems to be just around the corner. The look on Sonjay’s face during the Val segment told it all. These two can bring down the house.

-Glenn Gilbertti is NOT on the booking team. Thank God!

-Another great women’s match involving Gail Kim, ODB, Roxi Leaveaux, and Jacqueline. These ladies are fun to watch. ODB continues to get great reaction from the crowds.

-Rhino is back and so is Elevation X. Looking forward to this match with James Storm.

-Roode and Booker continue to add another chapter to what has become a pretty decent rivalry.

-The Angle Alliance is back in full force! The pairing of Kevin Nash, Christian, and Samoa Joe is a unique tandem to say the least. Gang warfare is a good change of pace for TNA.

I will leave you with some final thoughts of the show. First of all, TNA would benefit from live television. Sometimes, Impact has a sitcom feel to it. Second, I would love to have seen more of the latest trip to Japan by TNA. The Global Impact was genius and needs to be done again. With the WWE putting on some of their best shows lately due to Wrestlemania being just around the corner, TNA needs to step up their game with some better material. I know they are capable and look forward to next week. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to bring Jeff Jarrett back. Jeff, we all miss you and hope that you get back to doing what you love soon. That’s all for now. See you next week.

What are your thoughts? You can email The Authority at


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