Benoit Documentary, Heyman’s Column, Raven, UK PPV

Source: PWInsider

– Following his great interview in the UK Sun Newspaper, Paul Heyman will be writing a regular column for the tabloid paper. We’ll have the highlights from the column every week on the website.

– TNA superstar Raven, who seems to be on his way out of the company is currently setting up a training school in the Atlanta area with Johnny Swinger.

– You can now watch CBS’ Chris Benoit Documentary “Fight To Death” Online. It shows several interviews including Bret Hart.

– Sky Box Office issued this response to viewers who complained about the Royal Rumble PPV airing in widescreen, causing the same loss of action that we wrote about during the initial jump to HD for Raw, Smackdown and ECW: “WWE are aware that there were some problems with Wrestlers being out of frame for international viewers receiving 4:3 pictures, due to them shooting in Widescreen format, and have apologized. It was due to the steep learning curve as they have just introduced the format because of going HD. We were not able to receive Royal Rumble in the Widescreen format, but have managed to find a solution, so all future live Sunday night specials, whether on Sky Box Office or Sky Sports, will be in Widescreen, starting from hopefully “No Way Out” on Sky Sports on 17th February. Wrestlemania on SBO will also be available in HD by the way.”


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