Official TNA iMPACT! Preview For Tonight, More

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This Thursday night, TNA Wrestling returns to SpikeTV at 9pm as we continue down the road to the October 14 âBound For Glory❠Pay-Per-View spectacular! Below is a preview of what is scheduled for the broadcast:

– The maniacal Judas Mesias will make his TNA in-ring debut, facing off against Eric Young! The question is, what is the condition of Abyss after Thursdayâs brutal attack? Will Abyss even be in attendance at âiMPACT!❠and if so, will all hell break loose?

– Opponents in the TNA World Tag Team Championship match at âBound For Glory❠will face off in singles action this Thursday night as âThe Phenomenal❠AJ Styles battles Ron âThe Truth❠Killings!

– After being attacked by Kurt and Karen Angle this past week, Sting will speak out this Thursday night on âiMPACT!❠about the situation as well as his upcoming TNA World Heavyweight Championship bout against Angle at âBound For Gloryâ.

– âThe Instant Classic❠Christian Cage will face off against the debuting Junior Fatu! Without a doubt, Samoa Joe and Mat Morgan will be watching this bout closely!

All this and much more on Thursday night on âiMPACT!❠on SpikeTV â” plus more news and updates on the upcoming âBound For Gloryâ.