Edge Lashes Out, Hogan/Linda Marital Issues, More

Edge (Adam Copeland) had a question and answer segment on 94.5 FM The Beat Radio Station via phone. They asked him several questions in regards to the Benoit family tragedy as well as “how many more wrestlers or wrestling personalities will appear on TV shows?” First and foremost Edge said Chris Benoit was a humble man and no one in the locker room had noticed any signs of depression, stress, or family troubles. He also said that it was very out of character for Benoit to snap as he was a very peaceful minded person. Now the question about wrestlers or wrestling personalities appearing on TV shows across different networks seemed like a very touchy topic. Edge mentioned how great it was for his peers to be guests on shows from networks which includes: The FOX Network and CNN. On the contrary he thought that the media was covering the Benoit Family Tragedy a little too much giving his family no privacy. He also said that if more wrestling related people appeared on shows the more likely it will have an impact on the business. Edge quotes: “I believe that the coverage on steroid use and WWE has hurt our ratings” and “It’s a great thing for my peers to be guests on shows to defend our company and image but it’s also driving too much attention towards us. With all the steroid coverage it’s definitely not a good thing for our business because it gives people the notion that ALL WWE superstars use some form of performance enhancing drug.”

Hogan Knows Best, season four, will debut tomorrow on VH-1. This season is based around marital problems between Hulk and Linda.


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