Ryan Shamrock Note, Lashley, Too Cold Scorpio, More

Alicia Webb, also known as Ryan Shamrock from her days in the WWF, was in Sean â<80><9c>X-Pacâ<80> Waltmanâ<80><99>s corner over the weekend during his appearance on AAA television from Mexico on Galavision.

Dish Network had the following on their on-screen guide for Tuesdayâ<80><99>s ECW on Sci Fi broadcast, far before Lashley won the ECW World Championship back at last nightâ<80><99>s PPV: “Is Bobby Lashley still the champion?” It makes you wonder if WWE supplies the results to the cable companies in order to get their product promotion.

Both Too Cold Scorpio and Chavo Guerrero Sr. will do interviews tonight with MondayNightMayhem.com.


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