Melina Nude, WSX Note, HHH, More

In a rather funny note, WWE’s Shopzone website is promoting a “Triple H Easter Basket” just in time for the holiday.

Services for Arnold Skaaland will be held this Monday at the Sacred Heart Church – 10 Lawton Avenue, Hartsdale, NY at 11 AM. His viewing will be the day before, Sunday, from 1-4PM and 6-9PM, at the Ballard Burand Funeral Home – 2 Maple Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601.

It should also be noted that WSX wrestler contracts state that they will expire 90 days after the initial airing of the Season One series finale. If that episode doesn’t end up airing, it will be very interesting to see where this will leave certain performers as it won’t give them the option to seek work elsewhere legally should they get offers from WWE or TNA. We will continue to follow this situation as it develops.

WWE’s website has added an interesting photo shoot with WWE Women’s Champion Melina where she is completely nude and covered in nothing but body paint.


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