Steve Austin Visits WWE Headquarters, More

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WWE Films had a monster year in 2006 that saw huge successes from their first two movies: Kaneâ<80><99>s “See No Evil,” available Nov. 28 on DVD, and John Cenaâ<80><99>s â<80><9c>The Marine.” With WWE Filmsâ<80><99> next project due out in early 2007, next year looks to be no different.

WWE Filmsâ<80><99> third release, â<80><9c>The Condemnedâ<80>, stars Stone Cold Steve Austin and hits theaters this coming spring. While â<80><9c>The Condemnedâ<80> has big footsteps to follow, the star of the film is excited and looking forward to his second role on the big screen.

â<80><9c>WWE Films had the best of everything and it was all completely first class,â<80> said Austin. â<80><9c>Iâ<80><99>ve been in two movies before this, however I was thoroughly impressed [with WWE Films].â<80>

Austin was so impressed that he signed a three picture deal.

â<80><9c>I get to do my part to help make the film division the success I know it will be.â<80>

In his second film he plays a much larger role than he did in his first movie, â<80><9c>The Longest Yardâ<80> with Adam Sandler. Austin told that his fans may be surprised at what they see in his portrayal of Jack Conrad in â<80><9c>The Condemned.â<80>

â<80><9c>The Stone Cold that many WWE fans are used to is a bit different from the Jack Conrad theyâ<80><99>ll see on the screen,â<80> he said with a smirk. â<80><9c>Jack Conrad is pretty reserved and not overly wordy, but as the reluctant hero, you donâ<80><99>t have to run your mouth about yourself,â<80> he continued. â<80><9c>Other people tend to talk for you and build the background of the character.â<80>

Fortunately for Austin, the transition from winning championships as a WWE Superstar to taking the lead role on the silver screen went surprisingly well.

â<80><9c>I was doing a fight scene with Vinnie Jones (â<80><9c>Snatch,â<80> â<80><9c>X-Men: The Last Standâ<80>), who plays my nemesis on the island, and it took us over a week to shoot it,â<80> Austin explained. â<80><9c>We were in a river bed and every time we started it would start raining,â<80> he said while shaking his head and smiling. â<80><9c>Weâ<80><99>d have to stop and stand around for several hours under umbrellas and in the end a fight sequence that was supposed to last two days ended up taking over a week.â<80>

Although â<80><9c>The Condemnedâ<80> is roughly five to six months away from its release, many of Stone Coldâ<80><99>s fans are anxiously counting down the days until it opens in theaters nationwide.


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