Lots More TNA News: Steiner, Lockdown, Sabu’s Return

TNA will be taping two weeks of iMPACT! tonight. Expect several matches to be announced for TNA’s next PPV, Lockdown.

Speaking of Lockdown, the PPV is basically a blowoff PPV internally with the major events happening after the PPV when they debut primetime on Spike TV.

Mike Johnson reports that Sabu is expected to be brought back shortly. There had been talk of a Samoa Joe vs. Sabu feud but that is not confirmed.

The Ultimate X match ended seven minutes early on Sunday due to Samoa Joe’s eye injury. Joe is OK and is cleared to wrestle tonight at the tapings.

Scott Steiner has opened a new website at http://www.bootydaddy.com/home1.htm

TNAWrestling.com has posted an interview with Steiner. When asked about his foot injury, he noted that he would never be 100% again but it feels good.

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