TNA News: Daniels, Douglas, Team 3D, Loads More

Christopher Daniels didn’t appear before the crowd at the TNA TV tapings Tuesday night. Daniels did shoot some backstage vignettes for iMPACT! that will air in the next two weeks. Chris Kanyon and Dory Funk Jr. were also backstage visiting with friends.

Shane Douglas was unable to attend the TV tapings Tuesday night, so Terry Taylor filled in for backstage interviews. Glen “Disco Inferno” Gilberti and Tom Prichard worked the show backstage as agents along with Simon Diamond and Jerry Lynn. The involvement of Gilberti and Prichard is believed to only be a one time shot.

According to some reports from the TV tapings Tuesday night, Team 3D’s Devon was described as being “incredibly busted open” during the last segment of the second taping that will air in two weeks. It was so bad that TNA’s ring crew had to change the ring canvas for the Xplosion tapings due to the large amount of blood spilled in the taped segment for iMPACT!

TNA has announced that the company will now begin streaming PPV events internationally on their official website starting this March. This option will only be available to fans outside of the United States, Canada and New Zealand.

TNA star Lance Hoyt will be appearing on MTV’s “Room Raiders” on February 6.


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