(Spoilers) WWE SmackDown! Taping Results

Thanks to Ed Loredo of WrestlingObserver.com:


Scotty 2 Hotty b Eddie Craven

Simon Dean b Paul London – London has a new ring outfit. Match was fast paced

Kid Kash b Funaki – Kash looked real good

Bob Holly b Sylvain with a small package. After the match, Sylvain went to do a chair shot but Holly stopped him and gave him the Alabama Slam on the chair


Ortons came out for a promo with Randy challenging Batista for a title match. Eddie Guerrero came out as a babyface. This led to a main event of Guerrero vs. Randy for the No. 1 contender spot

Benoit b Orlando Jordan with a sharpshooter in 5:00. Before the match, Jordan said if he didn’t win the title, he would never wrestle again. Sounds like a Russo stip

Super Crazy & Psicosis (super over) b Regal & Burchill when Crazy used a moonsault most likely on Burchill. The Shane Twins hit the ring and beat up the Mexicools

Peep Show with Stacy Keibler. Keibler denied the story in the Star about her feuding with Jennifer Anniston. Jillian Hall came out. Keibler made fun of Hall’s face. They ended up fighting and started a new feud

Booker T won a four-way, I guess for a U.S. title shot over JBL, Rey Mysterio and Christian. Rey went for the 619 on Booker, but Sharmell tripped Rey. Booker pinned Rey after an axe kick. They put over the idea that Booker didn’t know Sharmell interfered. Said to be really good, fast paced and hot crowd

Benoit and Sharmell argued backstage and Booker didn’t know what was going on

Bobby Lashley b Nunzio in a quick squash. There was a spot where Lashley pressed Nunzio and threw him out for Vito to catch. Well, Vito didn’t catch him.

Teddy Long and Palmer Canon were talking. Somewhere in here, the Boogey Man showed up. He did a promo that was borderline funny and ridiculous. Long thought he had potential. Well, in 2007 he might.

Guerrero b Randy Orton via DQ. Eddie was on top for the frog splash when Bob threw him off for the DQ. The Ortons were beating on Guerrero when Batista made the uneasy save.

Not sure if this will be TV or not, but appeared to still be on

Long ordered Guerrero & Batista vs. Ortons. Short match with Eddie pinning Bob after a frog splash. They did one miscommunication tease spot with Guerrero & Batista


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