Inside News On WWE Name Joining TNA

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Come November, TNA will likely have acquired a big former WWE name. Goldberg? Brock Lesnar? Try Shannon Moore. Through his friendships with AJ Styles, America’s Most Wanted and Jeff Hardy, the wrestler could be part of the X Division by the November 13 PPV, just shortly after his no-compete clause expires.

Although Moore never climbed to the top of WWE, there is confidence that he could succeed in Total Nonstop Action. As seen with Samoa Joe, rather than forcing wrestlers to conform to its storyline plans, it shapes its plans around the character best portrayed by the talent. It is certainly not a guarantee that Moore will breakout as a top single’s star, but it is an almost certainty that Moore will get the chance.

Plus, as most recently demonstrated with Akio’s warm acceptance by Ring Of Honor fans, one’s position on the WWE card does not affect his viability as a star in other promotions.


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