Big Celebrity/WWE Update, Foley News, Ken Shamrock

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The Lassen News has a story about former WWE star and UFC legend Ken Shamrock teaching hand-to-hand combat classes to U.S. Marine Corps instructors. He’s been doing this for several years now, so this is nothing new. The article is available online at

Mick Foley’s radio interview from KNBR radio out of San Francisco from the other night, which ended up going over an hour in length, is available online via audio at

Jose Canseco was wearing an old Hart Foundation t-shirt on the most recent episode of “The Surreal Life,” furthering the rumors that he’ll be the surprise celebrity at WrestleMania 22 next year. At this point Canseco is only rumored for WM 22, and may have not even participated in any formal meetings to talk about the idea as of yet. The rumors have spread so far to the point that Jim Rome was even ripping on Canseco for considering affiliating himself with WWE, as if his appearance were already confirmed. At this point, Canseco at WrestleMania is nothing more than a rumor. However, some sort of celebrity who is big in the headlines right now is in talks with WWE about the appearance.


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