More On WWE vs. TNA Show, Waltman Done?, & More

There is a ton of heat on Sean Waltman right now and his future with TNA is questionable. He was at the hotel last night but didn’t make it to the show in time.

There are no Spike TV tapings this week as the next set is scheduled to be the first Spike tapings on 9/27.

Spike TV offered the following press release today:

“Spike TV presents the new wrestling alternative, when Total Nonstop Action Wrestling’s iMPACT! joins the ‘Slammin’ Saturday Night’ lineup. Delivering a distinct brand of high-risk, live-action athletic entertainment, TNA’s roster includes some of the most exciting and recognizable stars in wrestling today such as Jeff Jarrett, Raven, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, Abyss, Sean Waltman, Christopher Daniels, Monty Brown and others. TNA features the high-flying “X Division,” the “Six-Sided Ring,” and concept matches such as “Ultimate X,” “King of the Mountain,” and “Six Sides of Steel.”

As noted earlier, Spike TV is going to have some fun with Vince McMahon and WWE in the next few weeks as new commercials will air promoting TNA during every RAW. The 10/16 episode of “MXC” (aka Most Xtreme Challenge) on Spike is being billed as a “WWE vs. TNA” show and says “TNA vs. WWE.” It’s meat, muscle, and mayhem as Total Non Stop Action Wrestling tries to smack down the WWE. It’s the classic battle of tight shorts vs. mock sports.” Ouch, Vince must be a wreck.


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