WWE Divas Speak Out On Random Topics

The following is a recap of WWE divas on last week’s Byte This! written by PWTorch.com:

Stacy Keibler and Christie Hemme join Todd on Byte This and speak about being recently traded to Smackdown. They say they’re excited to be on the Friday show.

Candice Michelle is up next to talk about being traded to Raw. She tells Todd that she is excited to be on the Monday show and is also excited to learn more aspects of wrestling. Good for her.

Torrie Wilson joins Candice with their interview. Surprisingly, she says that she is excited, too, especially to be paired with her new partner in crime. Candice agrees that the two of them make quite the dynamic duo. They went a bit further to prove this, and began kissing to prove there’s no limit to how far they’re willing to go to make an impact now that they are RAW diva’s. We got photos of the divas making out live in the WWE.com studio on Byte This!, which you can check out by clicking here.

Wow, very exciting and surprising edition of Byte This this week. Stay tuned for next week’s edition, which is sure to have more in-depth interviews and reveal many more mysteries for us to sink our teeth into. In the mean time, you can e-mail me, excited to be at Mublumm@aol.com.


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