Real Story On Batista’s Status As WWE Champion

Source: Newsletter

While Batista is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, his role on SmackDown! in recent weeks can best be described, with one or two exceptions, as minimal. According to WWE sources, however, there is a legitimate reason for Batista’s low-profile role on the show.

WWE officials largely credit HHH with carrying Batista to acceptable matches during their feud; there exists little faith in Batista’s present in-ring artillery. Thus, the feeling is that if Batista appears too often on television, his weaknesses will be rapidly exposed. Live crowds remain very much into Batista, and WWE’s standpoint is that it makes little sense to risk such overness.

Despite not rivaling Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit in the ring, however, Batista remains on the good side of WWE management. The champion is praised for possessing a level-head, a great desire to learn and, overall, a very positive backstage attitude.


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