Waltman Owed $10,000, DDP’s TNA Status; Backstage News Inside

As reported on last week, Dustin Rhodes did not attend the Impact! tapings after a domestic dispute with his girlfriend on the night of the Lockdown PPV on April 24. From what is understood, Dusty Rhodes told people his son wasn’t at the tapings because of budget cutbacks.

To add on the story we had up earlier this week, the amount of money Sean Waltman is claiming that TNA owes him at this time is $10,000. Waltman went to TNA management and told them he “quit” unless they would repay the amount of money he feels he is owed. Waltman is in talks with WWE, most specifically Triple H.

In regards to why Diamond Dallas Page didn’t work the Impact! tapings two weeks ago, the reason reportedly had to do with budget cutbacks. He is expected to be used at the Hard Justice PPV on May 15, although plans can change.


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