HBK’s Refusal To Turn Heel, His Religious Influence, more

The following excerpts are from a Calgary Sun interview with Shawn Michaels:

On The Religious Transformation:

“I think it’s safe to say it was a major transformation for me. It goes to show that none of us are too far gone. God had his hand on me all these years and was tapping me on the shoulder but I was just too busy to notice.”

On His Past Antics:

“If I look at it from a business standpoint, some of what I did was very innovative so I’m proud to have been a part of what was groundbreaking in our industry. But as a Christian man, I wouldn’t do it again.”

On A Heel Turn:

“If it compromises the word of God, I won’t do it and WWE is aware of that. The Lord will forgive us but it’s not a free card to go back and sin again and again. I understand that I’m not allowed to say I can’t do a storyline because of my faith, so I’m okay with being overlooked because of that decision. I have no problem stepping aside and letting someone else do something I wouldn’t want to.”


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