**SPOILERS** WWE SmackDown! Tapings Results

Thanks to Keith Bass for the following:

I just got back from the SmackDown tapings in Houston. I missed the Velocity tapings but I got there just in time for SmackDown. I didn’t get to write it down so it may not be in exact order but this is what happened

I heard them introduce Michael Cole and his announcing partner for the evening… Jerry “The King” Lawyer.

The first match was a Battle Royal for the Crusierweight Championship.

Paul London v Scotty 2 Hotty v Kenzo Suzuki v Akio(?) v Someone else

The first 2 were eliminated before I got to my seats but thats ok.. they didn’t win.

It was a good match overall. A few big spots and signature moves, nothing too fancy. Your winner and New Cruiserweight Champion… Paul London.

Eddie Guerrero v Danny Basham

Eddie comes out to a huge pop in his lowrider. Once again not a real exciting match. Danny throws Eddie outside and Doug begins to beat him down. Doug then throw Eddie back in the ring and here comes Mysterio to make the save. Doug turns around, sees Rey and throws him over his back and hits Eddie in the head causing him to lose.

Winner Danny Basham

Booker T v Luther Reigns

We see Booker in the back talking about being home in H-Town and how he is here to have some fun. But its time to take care of some business… NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAAAA?!

One of the better matches of the evening. Back and forth throughout the match. Booker sets up for the finish by busting out the “Spinaroonie”. Bicycle kick to the back of the head and the cover for the win.

Winner Booker T


Bob tells us how its great to be back in a ring and he has mixed emotions tonight. He is happy that he is the father of Randy Orton “The Legend Killer”, the greatest wrestler alive right now. But he thinks that Randy has gotten himself into trouble by calling out the Undertaker. So Bob calls the Undertaker to the ring and begs the Undertaker to forgive Randy and put “The Beast” back to rest. The Undertaker stated that when Randy slapped him in the face, Randy sealed his faith and he will REST IN PIECE. The Undertaker then tries to leave the ring but Bob grabs him and drops to one knee begging the Undertaker not to hurt Randy. Then Randy Orton runs down the isle turns the Undertaker around and BOOM…. R-K-O on the Undertaker! Undertaker is down and out and Randy and Bob run to the back.

Carlito Caribbean Cool talks to Teddy Long

Carlito says he wants to wrestle tonight because he feels better. Teddy says he isn’t cleared to wrestle but Carlito insist on wrestling tonight. So Teddy agrees and says he has a match tonight against JOHN CENA!


Nothing special at all. Josh asks the wrong question and Angle snaps. Kicks Josh’s butt all the way to the ring and beats the crap out of him. Gives him the Olympic Slam and then shows a video clip of his accomplishments for Shawn Muchaels to watch.

Mysterio v Doug Basham

This also is one of the better matches of the evening. High flying, quick paced match. Rey hits the 619 and goes up top, but Danny gets on the apron and Eddie runs to knock him off and hits the ropes causing Rey to fall and lose to match.

Winner Doug Basham


Big Show and Akebono come out for the offical weigh-ins.

Big Show weighs 493 lbs.

Akebono weighs 504 lbs.

Big Show looked shocked and said he has never been out weighed by anyone. Then says that it doesn’t matter, he is bigger and will prove it. Akebono says he can’t wait for his match and to show how grateful he is, he wants to have a WWE match tonight.

Akebono v Eddie Vegas(Jobber)

Squash match. A few slaps by Akebono then a slam to the mat and cover.

Winner Akebono

John Cena v Carlito Cool

Carlito is in the ring and Cena comes out and heads straight for the ring. No playing. They go at it for about 3-4 minutes and JBL comes out with 4 police officers. He has Cena arrested for vandilizing his limo. Cena is handcuffed and brought down the isle while being harrased by JBL. At this point I believe the cameras are off because JBL starts poking Cena in the chest and the Cena shoulder blocks him to the ground. JBL then kicks Cena in the stomach and says it was self defense. JBL goes to the back and out come Teddy Long to talk to the officers and Cena. Teddy gives Cena a match against JBL tonight but its a non-title match because he gave him his title shot at WM21. Cena heads to the ring and calls JBL out.


By far the best match of the night. Cena dominates the early part of the match. JBL then fights back and chokes Cena with a small black rope. Back and forth throughout the match with lots of 2 counts for Cena. In the end, the ref gets knocked out Cena gets cheap shoted and out comes another ref. Cena kicks out.. hits the FU!

Winner John Cena

Overall a good show. Mainly building up for WM21. Sold Out, nothing taped off.

Biggest Pops

1 Cena

2 Undertaker

3 Eddie

4 Stone Cold/Roddy Piper Video

Biggest Heat

1 Angle

2 Bob/Randy Orton

3 Bashams


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