WWE RAW Results – February 21, 2005

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW Results

Date: Monday, February 21st, 2005

Location: The Bryce Jordan Center, 127 Bryce Jordan Center, State College, PA

Results by PowerWrestling.com


Recaps were shown of Batista winning the Royal Rumble and what decision he will make as far as which brand’s title he will go for. Batista was shown almost getting run down by JBL and JBL going to No Way Out. JBL showed up on Smackdown and killed the Cabinet. JBL was at No Way Out last night and he will make his decision tonight.

We are live at Penn State University and it will be one of the most important moments in Raw. Tonight Chris Masters will debut tonight as well as Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton vs. Edge and Christian.

Triple Threat Match

Women’s Title

Referee: Mike Chioda

Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly vs. Victoria

Trish made her way out to the ring and they showed recaps of Trish and Christy Hemme’s confrontation last week. Molly Holly and Victoria then made their way out to the ring.

The Start:

Molly attacked Victoria from behind and they knocked Trish off the apron. Victoria slammed Molly and then did a standing moonsault for two.

Mid-Match Notes:

Trish ducked a clothesline, but Victoria knocked her down. Victoria went for the moonsault, but Trish rolled her up for two. Trish stomped away

on Victoria in the corner and then mocked her shaking. Trish then went up top and got Victoria in a choke. Trish bowed to the audience and did the dance where she shakes her ass like Victoria (photos below), but Victoria hit a shot to the head on Trish. Victoria then hit a slam for two. Molly elbowed Victoria and then applied a neck hold on Victoria. Molly hit a suplex for two. Trish then went for the Stratusfaction, but Victoria rolled her up for two. Trish and Molly hit a double suplex and then Molly shoved Trish. Trish nailed a right hand and knocked Molly into the corner with chops. Victoria shoved Trish and rolled her up for two, and then knocked Molly down with a clothesline.

The Finish:

Victoria hit a back body drop onto Molly and then Trish nailed Victoria with some right hands. Trish went for a kick, but Victoria hit a head

butt. Molly missed a Molly Go Round, and Victoria hit the widow’s peak for two. Trish came in and pulled Victoria off and covered Molly for the win.

Winner: Trish Stratus


Trish backed up the ramp still the champion


Flair was with HHH and HHH said tonight is the night, and it all goes down in black and white. Batista goes to Smackdown and HHH goes to running the industry. Batista is a big player now and he blew the roof off at NWO last night. HHH said he saw Batista and it was a done deal. Batista will have no choice but to sign to Smackdown. He was totally influenced by HHH. HHH wanted to talk to Batista, but Flair didn’t know where he was. HHH was upset cause Batista was not there. Flair said he knows Batista will be there tonight. HHH said this is a big night. Flair said he would go wait in the parking lot and wait. He is sure Batista will make the right decision.

A Mania commercial of Eddie and Booker spoofing Pulp Fiction was shown. Funny stuff.


Christy was shown with another diva when Trish came up. Trish said you have the greatest woman’s champ ever, Miss GoDaddy.com, and the Playboy Slut. Trish said she was out there taking care of business because that is what the number one Raw diva does. She went out there and took down the top two contenders. Christy said she thought the only one that went down was Trish. Trish hit Candace, and said Christy would do nothing. Christy slammed Trish into a wall and the referees had to pull her away.


Orton and Stacy were shown talking and HBK came up. HBK wanted to make sure they were on the same page, and Orton said he had HBK’s back. Orton said Mania was coming up and he was thinking of ways to go. HBK said this is WWE and he cannot sit around and wait for oppurtunity. HBK said Orton could ask, or beg, or he could take it. Taking it is half the fun. HBK said a little over ten years ago no one was thinking about him, but he changed the history forever and every Mania since he has put it all on the line so he would be on the fans mind. HBK said that is Wrestlemania. He didn’t ask anyone, he went out there and took it. HBK said sometimes guys have to take care of their own advice and Orton thanked Shawn for his advice.

In the Arena:

Simon Dean was on the microphone saying the people were not in shape. He made fun of a woman saying she was in the freshman fifty. As a matter of fact, he got a call from some washed up old man today named Joe Paterno, who wanted him to sell him the Simon System, but Simon turned him down cause he cannot work miracles for a ninety-year old fossile. Simon said they could boo all they want, but tonight it is not about Batista. The music of Y2J hit and he made his way out to the ring.

Referee: Chad Patton

Jericho vs. Simon Dean

The Start:

The two locked up and Jericho got Simon in an arm bar. Jericho wrist locked Simon and then took him down with a reverse elbow. Jericho took Simon down and then Simon hit a kick to the chest. Jericho then hit a springboard drop kick to send Simon to the outside. Jericho went for a baseball slide and missed, but Simon was dropped onto the barricade.

Mid-Match Notes:

Jericho threw Simon into the ring and went up top. Simon ducked out of the way, but Jericho rammed him into the turnbuckle. Simon nailed some right hands to the back of Jericho and then got him in a head lock. Jericho fought his way up, but Simon held on to the hold. The crowd tried to get Jericho back in it, and Jericho set Simon onto the top. Simon came off, but Jericho hit a drop kick. Jericho then nailed a chop to Simond, and thenan elbow to knock Dean down. Jericho took Dean down again and then missed a bulldog. Jeircho nailed a right to Simon and then nailed a knee to the back of Simon. Jericho hit a bulldog and went for the moonsault, but Simon got the knees up. Simon covered for two.

The Finish:

Simon brought Jericho up, but Jericho countered into the Walls. Simon got to his bag, but the referee saw. Simon tapped out to the Walls.

Winner: Chris Jericho


Jericho celebrated in the ring.


Long was with Bischoff saying Batista was off the heazy. He took out the cabinet, and then stared down John Cena. Long hyped the triple threat that Smackdown would main event Mania with. Bischoff said Long was getting ahead of himself. Bischoff said Batista got the Smackdown stuff out of his system. Long said Bischoff wasn’t sure, and Bischoff said he was confident that Batista would be challenging for the World Championship. Shawn Michaels came in and wanted Long to send a message. HBK said once a year Smackdown and Raw come together to perform mano y mano, and HBK is challenging Angle to a match at Mania. Long said he would deliver the message for HBK.

Wrestlemania Recall:

They showed the clip of Piper having smoke blowed in his face by Mortin Downey and attacking the celebrity in the ring with him.

In the Arena:

Kane made his way down the ramp for his match.

Referee: Jack Doan

Kane vs. Tyson Tomko

The music of Tomko then hit and he came out with a microphone in hand. He said tonight all the focus on Batista makes him sick. The spotlight should be on him. All these people will realise who the most dominant superstar on Raw is. It’s Tomko. Tomko said his new problem was Kane.

The Start:

Tomko got in the face of Kane and Tomko pushed Kane. Kane nailed a slap and a kick to Tomko. Kane threw TOmko into the corner, but Tomko fought back with right hands.

Mid-Match Notes:

Kane got a shot to the chest, and Kane slammed Tomko for two. Kane sent Tomko into the corner and then Tomko nailed a big boot on Kane. Tomko grabbed the ropes and mounted Kane with some punches. Kane got choked and Tomko pinned for two. Tomko brought Kane up andchoked him. Tomko put Kane in a neck lock and Kane fought up. Kane nailed an elbow to Tomko and then threw Tomko onto the ropes. Kane hit a shot to the temple on Tomko.

The Finish:

Kane went up top and nailed a clothesline. Kane got ready for the chokeslam but Tomko ducked. Kane hit a gut buster onto Tomko and then slammed Tomko into the corner. Kane hit some shoulders onto Tomko. Kane went for a spear, but Tomko moved and Kane hit the ring post.Tomko went for a boot, but Kane caught him and choke slammed him for the pin.


Kane stood over Tomko the victor in this match up.


Flair was shown and a limo pulled up. Flair thought it was Batista, but it was Chris Masters. Chris introduced himself as the Master Piece and told Flair to watch his match tonight. He might learn something.

In The Arena

The music of Muhammad Hussan played and he made his way out with Daivari. Hassan then bowed to Allah and got a microphone. Daivari took the microphone and spoke in his native tongue. USA chants started. Hassan took the microphone and said since he debuted here on Raw he has been confronted with nothing but prejudice around every turn. He is just like every one else. He was born in this country. Yet they show him nothing butdisrespect. Today is Presidents’ Day. A day that should remind us that all all men, all men, were created equal. But if all were created equally why is he being discriminated against. Why is he being denied on Raw. Well that’s something no one can deny and that is his undefeated record on Raw.There is no one that can beat him. Because unlike everyone else he takes pride inwhat he does. A You Suck chant started and Hassan said if Batista goes to Smackdown, Hassan should face HHH at Mania for the title. He deserves to be the main event. The music of Chris Benoit hit and he came out to the ring. He got a microphone Hassan said he was out here to deserve the match at Mania. Chris said no, he was out here to challenge Hassan to a match. And to once and for all shut Hassan up. Hassan said Benoit wants a match, and Hassan said he was on, just not tonight. Hassan is not ready for a match, and Batista took him down and start stomping away on him. Daivari jumped on Benoit and then Hassan took Benoit down and they double teamed Benoit. Hassan hit his finisher on Benoit and Daivari yelled and pointed at Benoit. Hassan put Benoit in the camera clutch as Daivari spoke. Hassan posed as Benoit has been decimated by him.

WWE Slam of the Week:

A recap of Orton beating Christian last week was shown.

Referee: Earl Hebner

Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels vs. Christian and Edge

Orton made his way out first, followed by Michaels. Then Christian came out followed by Edge.

The Start:

Christian and Orton started it off. They locked up and fought for control. Christian put Orton in the corner and went for a right, but Orton ducked. Christian was knocked down by Orton.

Mid-Match Notes:

Orton and Christian fought for control again and Christian backed Orton into the corner. Christian nailed a right hand on Orton and a kick. Christian nailed another right and then sent Orton to the corner. Orton took Chrisitan down with a take over, and then a head lock take over. Christian fought up and Orton held onto the hold. Edge pulled Orton and tagged in. Edge came in and knocked Orton down. Edge nailed some right hands and then went for a spear, but Orton rolled him up for two. Orton wrenched the arm of Edge and then tagged in HBK. Shawn came in and chopped on Edge. Shawn hit a knee to the face and then a chop to take down Edge for two. Edge knocked down Shawn and tagged in Christian. HBK nailed a chop on Christian and then nailed some more in the corner. HBK sent Christians head into the turnbuckle ten times. Shawn sent Orton to the corner and then back body dropped him. Shawn went for the pin, but only got two. CHristian nailed some right hands and then a rake to the eyes. CHristian tagged in Edge and Edge nailed HBK with a hard right to take him down. Edge threw HBK into the turnbuckle, but Shawn fought back with rights and chops. Edge was taken down by a Lou Thesz press. Edge hit a kick to the chest and tagged in Christian. Christian was rolled up for two. Shawn hit a head lock take over for two. Shawn held onto the head lock but Christian fought up. Christian tried a slam, but HBK held on and took him down for two. HBK held onto the hold and then hit an arm drag on Christian for two. HBK was slammed to the mat by Christian. Christian went for a drop kick, but HBK caught him. Chrisian kicked HBK and Edge pulled the ropes to cause HBK to go to the outside. Edge hit a clothesline on the outside. HBK was down as the referee started counting.

Back from commercial, Edge had HBK in a headlock and HBK fought out of it. Edge took HBK down with a drop kick for two. Edge hit some rights in the corner. Edge then slung HBK into the corner. Edge brought Shawn up and tagged in Christian. Christian hit an elbow to the back of HBK and then a kick. Christian nailed some rights in the corner, and HBK slapped Christian and nailed some fists of his own. Christian fought back with an elbow. Christian was taken down by a fist to the gut. HBK hit a swinging neckbreaker and both men were down. The referee started the ten count. HBK crawled to his corner and Christian tagged in Edge. HBK tagged in Orton and Orton took Edge down. Orton hit a scoop slam on Edge and knocked Christian off the apron. Orton hit a hard shot to the chest of Edge. Numerous in fact. Orton hammered away on Edge and then knocked CHristian off the top turnbuckle. Orton nailed a cross body for two.Orton was hit in the back by Christian. They then double teamed Orton for two. Edge hit a knee to the back and tagged in Christian. Christian nailed a kick to the head of Orton. Orton nailed a right hand and then a left.Orton was taken down by a elbow for two. Christian raked the eyes of Orton and then put Orton in a headlock. Orton fought back up and nailed an elbow. Christian nailed some rights and tagged in Edge. Orton nailed a double DDT and all three were down with HBK cheering on Orton. Orton crawled to the corner and got the tag. HBK came in and knocked down E&C. HBK nailed right hands on both and then hit an atomic drop on Edge. Suplex on CHristian for two. Orton took Edge down, but Christian went for the Unprettier. Orton countered with a drop kick.Orton measured up Edge and Edge dodged the RKO, but Orton knocked down the referee. Edge hit the spear, but there was no referee. HBK took Edge down with a forearm and scooped slam Christian. HBK went up top and nailed an elbow. HBK tuned up the band. Christian came up but Edge tripped HBK down and they pulled HBK groin first into the turnbuckle. Edge and Christian went and got a chair.

The Finish:

They signalled for the conchairto and waited for HBK to come up. HBK ducked and the chairs hit each other. Orton took Edge over the top. HBK ducked a chair shot and hit sweet chin music for the pin.

Winners: Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton


HBK and Orton hugged and had their hands raised in victory. Edge was pissed about losing again.


Bischoff told Long he only wished he had action like that. Coach came in and said Batista would be here in a couple of minutes. Long said that that wasn’t good, it was real good.


Maria congratulated HBK on his match, but he was attacked by Edge from behind. Edge nailed numerous rights on HBK and asked if he was breaking his heart. HBK was left beaten backstage, but Edge came out of nowhere and nailed HBK with a spear. Edge asked Shawn what he thought and got in his face.

Referee: Jack Doan

Steven Richards vs. Chris Masters

Steven Richards was in the ring and the music of Chris Masters hit. Chris made his way down to the ring.

The Start:

The two locked up and Masters hit a shoulder block to take Richards down. They locked up again and Masters slammed Richards to the mat. Richards hit a right to the face, but Masters slammed Richards down.

The Finish:

Masters hit some forearms to the back and then suplexed Richards. Masters hit a shoulder block on Richards and then another. Richards got a knee

and then nailed a right hand and some chopped. Masters knocked Richards down and then waited for Richards to come up. Masters got Richards in a full Nelson for the victory.

Winner: Chris Masters


Chris Masters posed in the ring, and he had a impressive debut winning his first match

Referee: Chad Patton

Intercontinental Title

Shelton Benjamin vs. Gene Snitsky

Gene Snitsky made his way out first and then Shelton made his way out.

The Start:

Shelton slid in the ring and hit some rights on Gene. Snitsky caught him in a bear hug, but Shelton hit a kick to the back of the knee and then a knee to the head.

Mid-Match Notes:

Both men went to the outside and Shelton hit a spear and nailed some slams to the floor. Shelton hit a shot to the head and then rolled Gene

into the ring. Shelton hit a knee to the gut of Gene and SNitsky hit a DDT. Gene nailed some stomps on Shelton and then a sidewalk slam for two.

Gene said it was three and then put Shelton in a key lock. SHelton fought up and hit a shot to Snitsky. Shelton hit a right hand to Snitsky and then knocked Snitsky down with a shoulder block. Shelton hit a Stinger splash but Snitsky nailed some hard shots to the back of Shelton. Snitsky went and got a chair. Shelton hit a baseball slide to take Snitsky down. Snitsky shoved Shelton and Snitsky went into the ring.

The Finish:

Benjamin nailed Snitsky with a chair shot to get disqualified.

Winner by DQ: Gene Snitsky


Shelton got in the ring and stood over Snitsky with the steel chair.


Flair was calling Batista telling him they were up next. Flair said HHH is on his back and he needs answered. HHH came in pissed. He asked Flair if he could believe this. This is supposed to be the biggest night in the history of Evolution. Tonight they are gonna run this business. After everything they have done for Batista, and he has the guts to be late. Flair said HHH created Batista. HHH asked Flair if he knew how hard itwas to get Smackdown footage on Raw, and how hard it is to get a white limousine and stupid horns to make Dave think JBL was gonna run him over. Flair was shocked by this and HHH told him to relax. HHH said sometimes Dave is not smart enough and he is ensuring he made the right decision tonight and went to Smackdown. Flair said now he knows HHH is a genious. He said that was the greatest thing he has heard in his life. HHH is the cerebral assasin, and HHH said it was a great plan but it is all for nothing if the idiot decided to stay on Raw. Batista needs to do the right thing or him and Evolution and that is to go to Smackdown. HHH said Flair was to make sure he went to Smackdown, and the camera showed Batista istening n on the whole thing.

The table for the contract signing was shown in the ring, and they announced next week Benoit will face Muhammad Hassan and HBK will face Edge in a Street Fight. The music of Eric Bischoff hit and he made his way out to the ring for the contract signing. Then the music of Theodore Long hit and he made his way out with a Smackdown contract. Bischoff got on the microphone and said tonight we make history, because tonight Batista will sign one of the contracts. A Raw contract which will mean Batista will face HHH at Wrestlemania 21 for the Heavyweight title, or a Smackdown contract which will see Batista face JBL and John Cena in a triple threat match at Wrestlemania. Bischoff then introduced Batista and he made his way out to the ring with Evolution looking all buddy buddy with them. Evolution got into the ring. Batista looked at the contracts and then walked over to Long’s side of the table. Bischoff told Batista before he makes a decision, he said by signing the Raw contract, he will remain on Raw the flagship program, and the number one brand. The brand that made Batista a superstar. Raw is a brand that will give Batista’s career stability, because unlike other GM’s his job is not in jeopardy. But more importantly it means he will face HHH one on one for the Heavyweight title at Mania. It’s the dream of every superstar to face HHH. A man who even the Nature Boy says to be the man you’ve got to beat the man HHH. Bischoff said this is Batista’s oppurtunity. This is simple. Sign the Raw contract and reach his dreams. Long said just a minute and said actually their is a choice. He could sign with Smackdown and he can’t tell him he didn’t feel the electricity at No Way Out and they all saw what he can do with JBL. They saw the magic when he stared John Cena in the eye. Batista and John Cena the two hottest comodities in the WWE on the same show. They could start their own rivalry. The biggest rivalry since Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. Not only is JBL and Cena waiting for him, it’s Eddie, Rey, Angle, and one day it could be Batista one on one with the Undertaker. But playa for that to happen he has to sign to Smackdown. Batista beat JBL and Cena in a triple threat at Mania, and Long assures him his career will blow up on Smackdown. Now it’s time for him to make a decision. Batista took both contracts and he weighed his options. HHH said this shouldn’t be very difficult, because there is only one person he needs to listen to. It isn’t what’s best for Raw, or what’s best for Smackdown. It’s about one thing, what is best for Batista. It’s about what’s best for Batista. He doesn’t want Batista to worry about Flair and himself. Because what is best for Batista is best for Evolution. He told Batista to picture Mania 21 and HHH is still champion and Batista would be next to him the new WWE Champion. He told Dave to think about and they would rule the world and notanswer to no one. HHH asked if Batista knew how big that was. HHH said think of the Horsemen, but what if when Flair was Champ of NWA, what if Arn was WWE Champion. DX in their prime, what if HBK was WWE Champion what if HHH was WCW. They could have written history. But it never happened.

HHH and Batista have an oppurtunity to make history and they owe it to themselves to do it. HHH told Batista to be concerned about Bradshaw,

Cena, because deep inside his heart, Batista could beat both of them. They have an oppurtunity to do the greatest thing in the industry. To walk the aisel with Flair, side by side owning the business. HHH said it doesn’t seem difficult to him and he has a feeling he knows what Batista wants to do. Batista thought about it and got the mic. He told Hunter he knew what he was gonna do for a long time. Batista looked at the contracts and threw Raws down. Batista held up a thumb and turned it upside down. Batista took down HHH and Flair and then undid his tie. Batista threw HHH between his legs and powerbombed him through the table. Batista grabbed the Raw contract and signed it to stay on Raw and face HHH at Wrestlemania. Batista picked the title up and held it high as the show went off the air

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