TNA Impact! **SPOILERS** For January 28th

Thanks to Alan for these:

Impact! for January 28th:

(1) Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt defeated Jeff Hardy and Chris Sabin.

Hardy was still smarting from Abyss using him as a javelin. Sabin hit Kash and Hoyt with body blocked but Hoyt caught Sabin and hit a fall away slam. Kash and Hoyt made frequent tags beating on Sabin’s neck and back. Sabin fought back hitting Kash with a Catatonic into a backbreaker. Sabin thought he tagged in Hardy but Abyss came out, grabbed Hardy off the apron and they fought their way around the building. This left Sabin alone and he fell to the Kash Money Clip piledriver.

During the break Christopher Daniels joined Mike Tenay and Don West for commentary during the next match. DDP talked to Scott Hall and Kevin Nash backstage about the Final Resolution elimination match.

(2) Chris Candido defeated Sonny Siaki.

Candido jumped Siaki at the bell. Siaki’s attempted shoulder tackle only met the steel ring post. The two had a chest chopping contest which Siaki won. Candido hit a Davey Boy Smith suplex but missed the top rope flying headbutt. Siaki got his second wind and hit a cross body block but Candido floated over and pinned Siaki with help from two feet on the middle rope.

Dusty Rhodes spoke to Traci Brooks and Trinity about the new tag teams they would be bringing into the next TV taping.

(3) Monty Brown defeated Team Canada’s Johnny Devine (w/Scott D’amore)

Devine jumped Brown at the bell and hit a top rope Matrix drop kick but his chest chops had no effect. Brown power bombed Devine, caught Petey Williams in mid flight, and tossed him into the arms of Bobby Roode. Then Brown hit Eric Young and Devine with POUNCES!!! After the bell Scott Hall joined Team Canada in beating down Brown until DDP saved Brown. Kevin Nash came out to back up Hall but TNA officials ordered all the men to the back.

Mike Tenay was joined in the ring by the NWA World Heavyweight champion Jeff Jarrett to discuss the Against All Odds title defense against Kevin Nash. Jarrett seemed to proclaim the Kings of Wrestling dead. The crowd chanting BORING didn’t help matters. Jarrett said the NWA World Heavyweight title was his life and Nash wanting money from a title reign would lead to his downfall. Jarrett called Hall the human barstool before wrapping up the interview with more threats towards Nash.

(4) The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas) defeated Cassidy Reilly and Erik Watts.

Despite the injury, Reilly’s left hand was taped up. Watts came to the ring with his right arm in a sling, so an unannounced Dustin Rhodes came out to partner with Reilly. The Naturals attacked Reilly’s injury for most of the match. During the course of things Raven came out and attacked Watts with a garbage can, which led Rhodes away from the match. The Naturals hit Reilly with the “Natural Disaster” to win the match.

Jeff Hammond came back to commentate on the main event with Mike Tenay and Don West.

(5) “Primetime” Elix Skipper, Michael Shane and Frankie Kazarian defeated 3 Live Kru.

3LK started out hot and they didn’t cool off even as their opponents stalled for time on the floor. Shane and Kazarian’s teamwork slowed down Ron Killings so Skipper could use him as a kicking speedbag. Killings was able to tag in BG James who hit Kazarian with a pump handle slam. But as Mike Posey tried to break up Konnan’s STF he had on Skipper, Shane hit BG with a top rope elbow and won the match. After the match Jeff Hammond scared several people by taking his shirt off and challenging Shane and Kazarian to a fight.

Against All Odds PPV matches announced so far:

NWA World Heavyweight champion Jeff Jarrett vs. Kevin Nash

NWA World X Division champion AJ Styles vs. “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels

Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match


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