**SPOILERS** TNA Impact! Taping Results For 12/31!

TNA Impact show to air December 31st

Dusty Rhodes and Tracy Brooks were walking backstage when Brooks was cut off by Trinity. Trinity told Brooks to stop sucking up to Rhodes and that she is the top dog in TNA Wrestling.

(1) AJ Styles, Sonny Siaki and Johnny B. Badd defeated the Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas who’s site http://andydouglas.com is now online) and “Primetime” Elix Skipper.

For some reason Skipper wouldn’t tag in and so the Naturals wrestled and beat on Styles for several minutes. Skipper interrupted an attempted top rope move from Styles and got in the match by hitting Styles with a plancha to the floor. But when the Naturals went to attack Styles, Skipper refused their help. Styles refused to be beaten and he finally tagged out to Badd who hit Stevens with a top rope Frankensteiner. Needless to say The Naturals and Skipper left the ring separately.

(2) “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels defeated Michael Shane (w/ Tracy Brooks and Frankie Kazarian.)

Interesting to see two heels facing off in the ring but Daniels is over with the fans so he probably is the babyface by default. Kazarian tripped up Daniels on an Irish whip and shockingly referee Mike Posey ejected him from ringside. Back in the ring Daniels took over on Shane but Shane countered out of the Angels Wings with a backdrop and several clotheslines. Daniels survived a Shane offensive attack and hit the BME but only got 2. Both men hit each other with a clothesline to take us back to square one. Shane caught Daniels off guard and rolled him up but Brooks, for an unknown reason, distracted Posey. Shane argued with Brooks and Daniels rolled him up with a handful of tights. Kazarian came back out to the ring to diffuse the argument between Brooks and Shane.

Hector Garza walked by two people dressed like Mexicans which turned out to be Hall and Nash. Not sure what this had to do with anything.

(3) Dustin Rhodes defeated Marco Cordova (w/Kid Kash.)

Kash interfered in the match a couple of times but it didn’t do any good as Rhodes won with a power slop drop. Kash attacked Rhodes after the bell but Rhodes sent him running back to the locker room.

Diamond Dallas Page came out to a standing ovation and took the house mic from Borash. DDP said there were two reasons he came out of retirement. One was to get the NWA World Heavyweight title and the other was to have fun. He called Erik Watts out to the ring saying he wanted to know the whole story. Before Watts came out the Druids jumped Page from behind. DDP fought off both, unmasked one and it was Erik Watts. The other unmasked and it was Raven. Raven got the mic and badmouthed DDP saying he ruined Watts’ private life.

Before the main event NWA World Heavyweight champion Jeff Jarrett and Kevin Nash came out with Scott Hall. Jarrett got the house mic and berated Dusty Rhodes on his booking of the matches for Final Resolution then took shots at Monty Brown and DDP. Monty Brown came out, told Jarrett to shut up and then he told Jarrett that at Final Resolution he would FINALLY become NWA World Heavyweight champion. After Brown left Jarrett told the fans Brown and DDP wouldn’t make it past the “Big Sexy Silver Fox.”

Between segments TNA Spanish announcer Armando Quintero joined Tenay and West for commentary.

(4) Scott Hall (w/Kevin Nash) defeated Hector Garza

Hall and Nash came dressed in Mexican apparel which did not amuse Garza one bit. Both men exchanged fists but Garza came out ahead. Hall worked on Garza’s left arm but Garza countered out and hit Hall with a dropkick to the face. Nash tried to interfere but got punched by Garza who turned around and walked into a Hall clothesline and fall away slam. Hall and Nash applied an abdominal stretch. Garza countered but missed an elbow drop. Hall hit Garza with a top rope back suplex but Garza kicked out at 2. Hall went for the Outsider Edge but Garza countered out and hit Nash with a drop kick. Garza went up for the Tortino but Hall stopped him and hit the Outsider Edge. Roddy Piper came out and sent Hall and Nash away from the ring. Hall got the house mic and talked trash with Piper telling him to find a partner so the Outsiders could kick his ass. Piper waited in the ring for the Outsiders to come in but instead they walked to the locker room.


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