**SPOILERS** WWE SmackDown! Taping Results

Thanks to Wrestlingobserver and Jeremy for the following report:

The 7 Tough Enough finalists came down with Al Snow. Beforehand, the Big Show kicked them out of the locker room until they “paid their dues,” and their challenge was they had 20 seconds to cut a promo on Show. All the promos sucked, to the point where Snow recognized it was dying and told them to “shovel more dirt on the grave” before the last few guys cut their promos. Big

Show then came out and made them prove how tough they were by taking bodyslams in the middle of the ring.

Kind of counter-productive since the guys no-sold them all, but what do I know? Could’ve been worse, I guess, Big Show probably saved it.

Chavo Guerrero returned and beat Nunzio, Kidman

interfered and missed a shooting star. Looks like

they’re actually following up on the Chavo-Kidman


JBL was interviewed, he said it was the first time he was pinned since before WrestleMania, and that last week was no big deal because it was a tag match, and he’s a singles champion, plus he’s the greatest singles wrestler of all time. Booker T showed up, called Orlando Jordan a “house boy” and said he could see the fear in JBL’s eyes. Teddy Long made a match between Booker and Orlando Jordan, and if Booker wins,

he gets a title shot at Survivor Series. Pretty good promo overall.

Rey Mysterio beat Kurt Angle after Eddie Guerrero

interfered; RVD, Jindrak, and Reigns also interfered.

Good match, of course.

Apaprently, John Cena was stabbed at a club the other night. Carlito Caribbean Cool was there but says he’s innocent and that Cena is a thug, and “thugs aren’t cool.” CCC says he left as soon as Cena arrived at the club, because he just wanted to have a good time.

CCC then spit apple on Joey Matthews.

Afterwards, Kurt and Eddie were arguing backstage, so Teddy Long set up an “old school” Survivor Series match with Kurt and Eddie captaining four-man teams. Later in the show, Kurt chose Reigns and Jindrak, and Eddie chose RVD and Mysterio, and later Big Show.

Later on, Spike told Kurt to pick a Dudley Boy as the 4th member. Kurt said he would do so if the Dudleys took out the Big Show.

Torrie Wilson and Dawn Marie had a “best Halloween costume” contest, Torrie was an angel and Dawn was a nurse. Dawn cut a promo, saying she’s a real nurse and takes care of her lover Charlie, etc. Jackie ran out and a catfight ensued. Nothing we haven’t seen a million times.

Booker T pinned Orlando Jordan (JBL was at ringside)to win the title shot. Hopefully, they pull the trigger and actually give Booker the belt.


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