Kevin Nash Wrestling On iPPV, Chavo’s Release, Punk’s Future

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Q: How are they keeping Vickie Guerrero but they release Chavo? Doesn’t make any sense.

AJ from Colorado

Chavo asked for his release. In any case, Vickie gets such a reaction out of the audience. The average, more casual WWE fan knows Vickie by the sound of her “Excuse Me” screeches and know to boo the hell out of her. If Chavo comes out, some casual viewers would have a hard time knowing his name if they saw his face. Sad but true. Seems he will be happier without being tied down to WWE. He will be treated as Eddie Guerrero in TNA.

Q: Would you say that Cody Rhodes is a candidate to win the Smackdown MITB match?

Jamie from London, England

Absolutely. In my opinion he has earned that spot and would only increase my intrigue to see him each week. He will need more assistants to carry the briefcase and the paper bags.

Q: Do you think it would be better for the WWE to have Punk win at MiTB for storyline reasons?

Adam from Glendale, AZ

Its always better to have CM Punk around. I think for him to win in front of his hometown would be exciting, especially with the uncertainty of his contract. I don’t know what is going to happen in the match against Cena but am fully convinced Punk will be leaving WWE for now.

Q: I have been heard some rumors online that you have got Kevin Nash to fight the PWO wrestler Fontaine who slapped you a few months ago. Is this true?

Jason from Dayton, OH

Oh its damn true. PWO’s biggest event ever will be Wrestlelution 4 in Cleveland on August 7th. It will be available on iPPV on GoFightLive for $14.99. I made the announcement to Marion Fontaine and the world last week that Nash was coming for him. You can see that below. Fontaine responded this week with bringing in Brodie Lee, who has been worked in ROH, Chikara and Dragon Gate USA among others. So it will be Fontaine and Brodie Lee against Kevin Nash and “Omega” Aaron Draven. Details of how to watch, attend live or meet Nash can be found here.



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