Jim Ross Interviews Shawn Michaels & Bret Hart Today

Jim Ross and Shawn Michaels both announced today via Twitter that both are involved with a new WWE DVD project, along with Bret "The Hitman" Hart.  J.R. interviewed HBK and Bret today for over five hours. 

Jim Ross posted the following on Twitter: "Spent 5 hrs 2day interviewing HBK & the Hitman 4 Oct DVD. No holds barred talk. Special day 4 me."

HBK later posted: "Since its out. & I did do int. 2day w/. It was awesome to say the least. I REALLY think u all will like it!!"

Ross has been talking about a huge project coming up that he’s been working on.  I’m not sure if this is it, but regardless, it’s surely going to be a can’t-miss DVD if it involves HBK and Bret Hart "together".  One could only imagine it has something to do with the "Montreal Screwjob", but we’ll give you full details as soon as they are available.