WWE “Capitol Punishment” PPV Results – June 19, 2011

Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show

Alberto Del Rio enters in his normal sports car entrance sans the injured Ricardo Rodriguez. As Del Rio makes his way to the ramp, Big Show comes running out from backstage and attacks Del Rio from behind. Big Show throws Del Rio inside the ring and as Big Show makes his way into the ring behind him, Mark Henry shows up out of nowhere and attacks Show from behind. Henry quickly follows up by doing the World’s Strongest Slam on the Big Show through the Spanish Broadcast Team’s announcer table. Big Show is shown holding his knee on the ground as Del Rio is shown arguing with the referee. The referee turns his attention to Big Show and begins counting him out as he still lay ringside from his beating by Henry. Big Show makes his way staggering and stumbling to the ring and rolls in where the ref calls for the bell to officially start the match. Big Show limps around the ring while beating on Del Rio. Big Show grabs Del Rio for a chokeslam which Del Rio retaliates kicking Show’s injured knee. Del Rio gets several kicks to the head of Big Show. Del Rio goes for the cover, Big Show kicks out powerfully. Del Rio then tries to apply the cross leg breaker on Big Show, but he makes his way to the rope to break the hold. The ref checks with Big Show to see if he can continue, Big Show says he’s good to go, but as he tries to stand he falls back to the mat. He tries once again, to no avail as he falls once again. The ref calls for a match stoppage, declaring Del Rio the winner.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio


R-Truth is shown backstage talking to a photographer. He tells the photographer that he wants a picture taken with the WWE Championship belt before he gets all sweaty. The photographer responds by saying the nameplate says "John Cena" where Truth takes ahold of the photographer’s face and yells at him, then lets him go and walks away.

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