WWE “Capitol Punishment” PPV Results – June 19, 2011

Randy Orton vs. Christian

Both men make their way to the ring for this World Title match. Tony Chimel handles the in-ring introductions as the bell rings and match begins. Orton superplexed Christian early on in the match. Christian gets back up and both men trade punches. Orton goes for the RKO but Christian is able to counter and attempts his own finisher to no avail. Orton gets Christian into an inverted body vice position and dropped down for a back breaker. Christian ges a Killswitch on Orton. Christian breaks out of a fulcrum kick in the corner and moments later Orton hits an RKO on Christian for the pin and win.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the Match

Christian is shown thowing a fit to the referee, saying his foot was under the rope. The announcers are heard saying Christian couldn’t have known where his foot was as he was out cold.

Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger

Swagger makes his way to the ring as his music sounds in the arena. Out next is Evan Bourne. After a short stare down in the ring, the match is formally announced, the bell rings and the match begins. Swagger takes the lead early on the match. Bourne is able to jump off the top rope and catch Swagger with a DDT on the way down. Bourne misses his finisher and avoids a suplex by Swagger. He then avoids an ankle lock and counters with a roll up for the pin.

Winner: Evan Bourne

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