Update: Kevin Steen Set For EVOLVE Event On 7/26 In NYC

Kevin Steen will be at EVOLVE on July 26th at BB King Blues Club & Grill in Times Square, Manhattan, New York. Tickets are now on sale in the www.EVOLVEwrestling.com Shop, by calling 267-519-9744 or at Ticketmaster outlets. This event will be broadcast on live iPPV at www.WWNLive.com and you can pre-order it now.

The events that led to Steen coming to EVOLVE actually started last week on Twitter. Steen mentioned co-founder Gabe Sapolsky in a public letter he wrote to Ring Of Honor. Sapolsky, blind sided by being included in this letter to ROH, responded on Twitter (@DragonGateUSA) with: @KILLSTEENKILL If you really want to do anything for me come work the EVOLVE show on 7/26 in NYC, don’t "crash" ROH shows on my behalf.

Steen responded yesterday on Twitter (@KillSteenKill) by saying: Hey @DragonGateUSA…I’ve been thinking… I’m gonna take you up on your offer. On July 26th, I will be at EVOLVE in New York City. See ya!

Sapolsky responded in the DGUSA & EVOLVE Email News Express (sign up at DGUSA.tv or EVOLVEwrestling.com) with: "There’s a lot to consider here. I’ve spoken to some of Steen’s closest friends and they have told me he is not in the right frame of mind to wrestle now. However, Kevin Steen is a great talent and I did tweet him an offer. I didn’t think he’d accept it. Now I kinda have my foot in my mouth."

Steen fired back with this letter:

@DragonGateUSA Gabe, one thing you should know about me is I don’t like talking on the phone. So that ”talk” you want to have is going to have to wait until July 26th when I get to the building.

Also, you say you spoke to some of my friends and they told you I wasn’t ”in the right frame of mind.” That in itself is comical since I only have one friend left and I highly doubt you had a chat with Franky The Mobster. As far as my frame of mind goes…people have been calling me crazy for a year and a half, yet I feel nothing but complete and absolute serenity. I am of sound mind, body and soul and pro wrestling is my therapy.

The last 6 months have been torture for me. But that all ended on June 26th when I stood in an ROH ring and told them to go fuck themselves. And Gabe, it occured to me when I read your ”invitation” that I had so much fun the last time I was in NYC that I was due for another trip there. And what better time than exactly one month later, July 26th? 
And what better place than EVOLVE?

I realize that you didn’t mean what you said when you invited me to the show, my friend, I do. But you should have known better. What you did put an idea in my head and now that idea has been consuming me for days and now there is no denying it. I have to do this…

By showing up at EVOLVE I get to achieve two things:

I get to help one of ROH’s rivals make some money and get more attention. I get to piss off those lovely ROH officials by helping a promotion they never thought I’d show up in. I get to make the EVOLVE show on July 26th a MUST-SEE event! 
And almost as good as all that, I get to walk up to you, Gabester, and say ”Be careful what you wish for!” Did you really think you could call me out like you did and get away with it?!

Gabe, you really should have known better bud!

Now you got Kevin Steen…the Antichrist of pro wrestling.

Oh and Gabe, one last thing.

You know, all of those nice rules EVOLVE has? All that stuff about terms and regulations and missions…that’s really cute…but it’s not really for me…

See you on the 26th.


Sapolsky responded on his Facebook with this:

It’s official. Kevin Steen will be at "EVOLVE 9: Gargano vs. Taylor" on July 26th at BB King Blues Club & Grill in Times Square, Manhattan, NY. After reading the letter he just tweeted (@KillSteenKill) I can see I’m not going to win here. We’ll give him a mic and hope for the best. I hope that makes him happy. Tickets now on sale at EVOLVEwrestling.com and you can pre-order the live iPPV at WWNLive.com.

Now it is set. Kevin Steen will be at EVOLVE on July 26th in NYC. There is no telling what will happen.


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